The talk about Addilyn's failure made her visibly wince and Sandstorm frowned dissaprovingly. Harrison meanwhile, was staring at Recrimination with large, curious blue eyes. His jaw dropped when the villain said his power, and Sandstorm rolled his eyes at Harrison's immature expressions. "Wait you have like.. imitation powers? That's amazing, we haven't had anyone with imitation powers since hmmm. Ah, I remember! Her name was Mimid, she was super mean, but her powers were cool. So you have the same power? That's like.. super rare and special wow." Harrison was not kidding Recrimination did seem really cool and kinda trustworthy in an odd way. Like you knew he would steal from you without hesitation but he wouldn't hide it from you. Harrison liked Recrimination. Meanwhile, Sandstorm glared, he did not like how powerful this guy was. Addilyn was rather surprised as well, as she thought he'd had a different power... then again it did make sense. Maybe she would ask him later, though it technically wasn't her business regardless. "Ah, I'll have to put that on record Recrimination. But I must say, you will be very useful on this mission." Commander's voice was stern but pleasant, knowing that Recrimination would actually be useful was a relief.
Jason winked at the heroes and gave some finger-guns, "Not really a pleasure to be of service to ya." Liquid Steel could be someone who might be won over and semi-trustworthy (at least while Jason was on his side). "And yeah. So like, in a battle, don't mind if I give you a poke or something. Might be helpful against one of the big-time villain team." Jason shrugged, and slouched back in his chair. He hadn't missed the change of tone in Commander's voice was "I-wish-I-had-just-killed-you" to "Maybe-I-won't-do-that."
Harrison was still staring with awe at Recrimination and it was all Addilyn could do to keep in the humor that lit up her eyes. Liquid Steel was annoying, and acted like a child, but he was tolerable, and his expressions were funny to watch. Sandstorm definitely didn't think so, because even as Addilyn watched, his brows furrowed and he kicked Liquid Steel, grazing Addilyn's leg as he did so. This pulled a confused expression onto Harrison's face as he turned to Sadnstorm. Meanwhile, Addilyn just glared at the other hero, her brows furrowing as they began a low key staring contest. She didn't know when she'd agreed to it, but now the two heroes were waiting for one of them to back down. Addilyn knew he hadn't meant to kind of kick her, but he shouldn't be kicking his comrades in the first place. Commander cleared his throat, and Sandstorm looked at the man immediately, Addilyn released a soft snicker, she'd won obviously. Sandstorm frowned at her for a moment and she was tempted to stick her tongue out at him before realizing that wouldn't work with the mask on. "Anyways, this is technically the end of the meeting, so if you have anymore questions or comments please state them now." Addilyn sat up a little straighter and Commander nodded, giving her permission to speak. "So we won't have any other assignments at all? Also, does this mean I get access to the Elite gym?" If she couldn't do anything she'd better at least have access to that gym, otherwise she was going to end up bored and be pretty jittery during the actual fights. "No, none of you should get any assignments, if any pings go on your watch that are not exclusive to your mission, ignore them. As for the gym, yes, both you and Recrimination will have access to it. We need all of you at the peak of your abilities, so please take advantage of these facilities. Just don't cause any havoc, especially you Recrimination. If you have a problem with anyone, report it to me. You may be a villain, but while you are on this mission you'll be treated with just as much respect as the other people on this team are." Addilyn almost got up and did a happy dance right then and there. She'd only heard rumors about the Elite training facilities, and couldn't wait to try them out. The words about how Jason should be treated with respect made her grin under he mask, though Sandstorm looked as if he may get up and actually storm out at any moment. "Any other questions? If not then you all are dismissed." Commander waited, just in case.
Jason resisted the urge to kick Sandstorm. That wasn't in the forefront of his mind, but it was definitely there. "Oooh the Elite Gym..." Jason rubbed his hands together with a smirk on his face, before dropping his hands, "Just kidding, I have no idea what that is. And Commando-Dude! Have some faith in me. I can totally be responsible." Jason honestly wouldn't try to annoy or bother anyone, but his presence just tended to do that. If someone attacked him, he'd defend himself, though. Hopefully this hero group wouldn't spread the information about how his power worked. Jason knew he could fight just fine with that information being known, but it kind of sucked to have it so plainly stated. Now it would be on a hero record, and people would be prepared to fight against him. It would be even worse if this new villain group got hold of this information, since they currently believed he could turn to stone. Being able to blast one of them with electricity or be a human flashlight would be great fun if they weren't expecting it.
Commander glared at Recrimination for a moment, wanting to just get rid of the nuisance right there and then. Unfortunately, he'd immediately be fired so he couldn't do that. Instead, he just waved them all off, "you're all dismissed. Please leave and bother me some other time Recrimination. Go to the front desk and ask to be led to mission control where they'll give you your watch. Now leave before I fry all of you." Nobody knew what exactly Commander's powers were, but his favorite line happened to be 'fry all of you,' so hopefully it had something to do with burning oil and not fire or electricity. At least, that's what Harrison thought. Granted, he was always optomistic. Sandstorm was the first to get up and leave, sending Recrimination one last harsh glare before storming out. As everyone in the room had probably predicted as soon as he saw Recrimination. Addilyn had been hoping to stay and talk to Commander about the earlier incident but saw that he was in no mood to speak, and if he was in a bad mood, soon everyone in the building would be. So Addilyn soon stood up and left, pulling her mask up a bit as she headed to her car to drive home. She'd call Jason and talk to him later, for now, she couldn't give either of them away. She sighed as she walked down the hallways to the parking lot, exhausted by the day's events. Harrison remained, taking his time to get up and leave.
Neon took one more glance at Commander, and looked over at Jason. An emotion between doubt and curiosity danced over her face, but then she was walking out of the room. Jason... didn't know where the front desk was, exactly. Liquid Steel was still there, though, so Jason waited for him by the door. He decided not to make any more remarks at Commando, seeing that he'd already pushed the guy far enough for that day. Jason snapped back to attention once Harrison was at the door, "Yo, LS - I, uh, kinda don't know where the front desk is to even ask where mission control is. I mean, I'd probably be able to find it eventually, but after a bit of being lost. Mind showing me the way?" Jason rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. He could guess that this version of himself was a stark contrast from the Recrimination of a few minutes ago who was making snarky remarks to Commando-Dude. Oh well. Jason wasn't exactly sure if he would be able to make friends in this weird situation, but he'd hopefully make an alliance that could be vaguely trusted, and Liquid Steel seemed like the best person to start with.
Harrison had actually needed to talk to Commander about something but he was already on call with someone else. So he decided it would be better to talk later, especially with the way Commander seemed as if he might rip out his own hair at any second. He was rushing out the door when he heard someone sort of call him, or at least he was pretty sure it was him. Nobody called him LS so if it wasn't him it would be pretty embarrassing but he turned regardless. He seemed surprised that Recrimination was talking to him, but a boyish smile quickly slid onto his face. "Oh hey dude, it's no problem. This place is kinda big and I still sometimes get lost. But considering that those are basically the two most important places I can lead you there no problem. I could even give you a tour or something. Granted you probably just wanna get home and not listen to me talk all day so I'll just lead you there." Harrison had been told by many, many different heroes that he was annoying, in much harsher ways than Silent Shadow had. Granted, he was pretty sure she was nice, she was just having one horrible day.
Jason grinned, "I'd appreciate a tour sometime, but probably not today. If you'd still be open later on, I'd totally take you up on that." He followed Liquid Steel through the facility, making a mental map of the floor plan, "Oh - is it chill that I call you LS? I just kinda said it earlier. Liquid Steel's kinda lengthy, I guess, especially in the middle of a fight. Kinda like my name 'Recrimination," Jason made a face like he just bit into a lemon, "Ugh, I'm not even sure how I got stuck with that one."
Harrison was relieved that Recrimination didn't really seem to mind his constant blabbering. Granted, it wasn't like Harrison planned on changing any time soon so Recrimination would have to get used to it. A small smile floated onto his face as Jason spoke of names, he felt the same way. Heroes didn't get to choose their name, and he'd ended up with an especially bad one. "It's fine, much better than calling me Steel or something weird like that. You're name is kinda long too, though I really can't shorten it much so I'll have to stick with that. And I an completely understand the name thing, you know, we aren't even allowed to choose our own names? We get assigned them, I just happened to end up with Liquid Steel, whoever thought of that one needs to be fired, it doesn't even sound cool like Silent Shadow or Neon. Like come on." Harrison grinned, he was joking about the fired part, but he definitely needed to talk to someone about that.
Jason shrugged, "I dunno, fellow villains call me 'Rec' so you could use that if you want." They had found, that in the middle of a battle, Recrimination got a tad bit long. After not hearing a warning until too late WAAAY to many times, they shorted the name. "You definitely weren't lucky in the naming game," Jason chuckled, "But I guess not all people can be winners. I bet you make up for it in some other way." When he wasn't trying to make authority figures angry, Jason could be a nice guy, even in his villain persona. He was a villain, not an asshole. .... Most of the time.