
Amara gave a nod, mostly to herself, grateful it wasnt going to be too far. When the scouts mentioned they were almost there, Amara smiled. Slowly she followed Orion towards the front of the group, her eyes locked in awe at the ruins before her. "They are beautiful" she managed to say. She was about to reach out to get a better look, but stopped when she saw the other creatures appear. Her eyes went wide as she backed up to be behind Orion. While she had still only been training, she had her bow and a few arrows in her quiver, but she wasnt sure if she could actually attack. *If they start something, you might not have a choice* she thought to herself, trying to snap herself out of the fear she felt.

The monster stared at Amara, seemingly sensing her nervousness and fear of it, but Orion was a different story; his mask gave the monster the impression that he was not impressed and completely indifferent towards its arrival, and that was mostly true, although Orion wouldn't hlep but panic a bit if one of the creatures went bezerk, especially if it goes after Amara. Finally after several tense seconds of silence, the monster stepped back, took a serious wheeze of a breath and spoke its first words, gargled and broken but still legible. "Wh..why arrre... you here? You are not one of us..." The creature looked behind Orion and at Amara. "But she... can b-become one of us..." This made Orion stand up a bit straighter, however he quietly tried to connect the dots between these monsters and Amara. They were a tad humanoid, and someone who wasn't a necromancer like him could be fooled and say that they were undead, but Orion could tell that they were alive. "I'm not here to give her to you. I am here because of those who live within my dungeon have found your home and think that they can live here, but of course, you are here first." Orion started, trying to keep a casual and friendly term while giving his opening statement. "I wonder if there could potentially be an agreement between you and I. As you might have seen before the humans have become... rather bold in their expedition and want to wipe us out and claim this land as their own." This made a few of the creatures snarl in agreement, but the leader wasn't so moved. "We welcome the humans here. The more that come here in search of riches, the more that we have." Orion didn't even need to ask a question about the monster in general and he now knew that there was some form of transformation process that undertook to turn a human into... whatever these creatures were exactly. "However... maintaining control over our home has become more difficult, so a bit of help could be... useful. Very well. If you and your leaders come with me I would like to talk about a possible coexistence. But we are not the only ones here; within that dark place hides... vermin that rise from the depths and try to drag us down with their multitudes of legs and sticky traps." This made Orion a bit concerned now that there was a third element in play, but he'd deal with them later on. "Amara? Stay with the undead. They will protect you until I return. Sokoya? Elli? Come along." Sokoya, Elli, Ikki, and a few others went with Orion and the monster, leaving Amara and the rest for the moment.

Amara watched the way their eyes landed on her and followed her. She didnt like the way it felt for them to watch her. As she saw the way Orion seemed to guard her, she couldnt help but blush. She heard the creature speak and tilted her head to listen, thought she refused to leave from where she was. When the creature mentioned she could become one of them, she couldnt help but tense up. She saw Orion become a little straighter, and it made her feel safe. *What in the world are they* she thought. She felt a sigh of relief escape her when she heard Orion say he wasnt going to give her to them. Amara listened as they spoke back and fourth before Orion finally told her to stay with the undead. She hesitated, like she wanted to argue, but bit her tongue. "Be safe" was all she managed to say before she looked back at the other creatures that accompanied Orion and herself to the possible new home. She knew they saw how she reacted towards the new creatures, and looked down, assuming they saw her as weak. *Of course, why wouldnt they see me any other way? I havent been able to show them that I an not like how I was just over a week ago* she thought before she looked around again. She thought she heard something in the distance, but looked up to see only a small flock of birds heading south overhead.

As Orion and the other leaders of the group talked to the leader of these monsters, the undead slowly surrounded Amara, not in a threatening way, but in a way to make sure that nothing was going to touch her, and right by her side was the Spectre that stood up for her from earlier. "Do not be afraid... Lord Orion has instructed us to protect you, and that is what we will do." He said, trying to calm her down for a moment, but once he was done and looked forward, he saw a pitch of red off in the distance, but before he could get a better look it was gone, so the Spectre stayed quiet. Orion, Sokoya, Elli, Ikki and a few others were sitting down in amidst a collection of rubble, where the leader of these monsters decided that this would be the place where they would talk details. "So... you would let those who live in the dungeon come here and live aside you if we are to get rid of the... 'things' that live within the cave. Correct?" The leader merely nods its decayed head. Sokoya was grinning slightly; Orion was using his greatest weapon and it was clear that the monster was rather simple minded... meaning that this wouldn't take much longer. But to her absolute dismay, someone would come in and change the dynamic for Orion's bodyguard in regards to this potential deal.

Amara looked at the undead before she gave a nod. "Thank you" she said before she faced the Spectre. "Did you hear or see something" she asked. She looked around before she grabbed her bow, but left the arrows in the quiver until it was needed, if it was needed. She didnt want the others to think she was going to harm them. Even with the Spectre vouching for her, she didnt know what the others would do if she looked threatening in any way.

"I did see something, but I'm... not sure what exactly it was. It wasn't anything like these kinds of creatures, that's for sure." The spectre replied, staying close to Amara as the creatures barely stirred to her reaction, not yet seeing her as a threat... for now. Sokoya's complete mood changed instantly when she saw the new fellow come in and stand by the leader's side. It was a male Naga, and he was nearly as big as she was, which was not a normal thing since females were generally bigger than males, and Sokoya was always solitary in regards to her own species. "We are not going to stay here Orion." She quietly hissed as the naga and the leader of the monsters in the new area were talking back and forth about something. Orion merely groaned as he was bluntly reminded about her staunch attitude of her own species before looking at the naga. Judging by the way that they talked to each other, they held each other in high regard, so maybe it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to also talk to him and try to learn some more about the area. "Who... are you?" Orion asked, and got a glare from Sokoya for even entertaining him. "My name is Nikolaii. I work alongside the Endazi to bring back information and... assorted goodsss..." His lisp was somewhat more prominent than Sokoya's, but she responded before Orion had a chance to talk. "We're not talking to you wyrm, we're talking to him." She said with serious venom, completely unwelcoming to this newcomer.

Amara gripped her bow as she looked around, keeping alert. She saw a rock she could easily climb to get some height and started to make her way over. She assumed the undead would follow per Orion's orders. "Be ready for anything. I dont want anyone getting hurt." While she might have been on the happy playful side when they left, she was all serious now. Amara assumed the others would see this change in her as she pulled back her hair. The past few days she had let it down freely since there wasnt any wind to blow it in her face in the dungeon, but now, she needed it out of the way if something were to attack.

The undead noticed Amara's movement, so they moved and surrounded themselves around her once again, with the Spectre staying right by her side as the monsters noticed her movement but didn't really do anything about it, with a majority of them still milling about and continuing their day to day lives. Nikolaii opened his mouth to respond to Sokoya, but thought better of it and merely stayed silent as the leader of the Endazi continued his conversation with Orion. "Is she always this hostile to her fellow kind?" He said, tilting his head out of curiousity. Orion nodded, adding "She's a bit... difficult in regards to gaining trust, but when you do it is unwavering." He could feel Sokoya's anger rising as the conversation was going on, and even though he couldn't really do anything about it right now, he knew that his conversation with the leader was now on a timer. "Anyway... We need to make sure that the humans are none the wiser and don't try to push either of us out. In case the humans come and destroy your home, we will offer ours for you and the Endazi to stay at until you can find another home... as long as the Endazi is welcoming to a few monsters from my dungeon in return." The leader of the Endazi only had to take a second before he nodded in agreement. "That is a fair trade. Nikolaii will come and live within the dungeon to represent me and surveil the area in the instance that we have to live there." Orion nodded, but Sokoya was absolutely disgusted with this, and she slithered off, completely done with the conversation.

Amara spotted some movement and her eyes narrowed. She didn't like the feeling the group was being watched. It made her feel vulnerable. Her blue eyes scanned the area before she tensed up, prepping an arrow in the bow. Watching the movements, she aimed towards a bush that seemed to be moving before a large wolf came out of it. She had never seen a wolf so large before. "Is that a normal wolf" she asked. She didn't want to upset or hurt a creature if she didn't need to, but before she could get a reply, a loud crack was heard echoing through the air. One she recognized all too well. Humans. She looked back at the group as the wolf dropped. "Hide" she yelled, jumping off the rock she had been on, looking for a place for her to hide as well.

Before the Spectre could even respond to Amara about the wolf, several arrows whipped through the foliage surrounding the group and hit several undead and Endazi, causing a few to fall dead. Several soldiers and mercenaries emerged from the woodline, and they couldn't help but see Amara. "Don't worry! We'll get you out of here and away from these monsters!" One of the mercenaries called out to Amara as he engaged with a zombie, trying to hack off limbs before going for the kill. As expected, the noise of the starting fight drew out Orion, the leader of the Endazi and everyone else out and everyone immediately got into the mix. Even though this situation was less than ideal for Orion, he realized that this was a chance for him to show the Endazi that they weren't going to be dragged down and hindered if they were to work together, so Orion fought with vigor. He noticed the large wolf that Amara spotted, and he didn't pay much mind to it. Sure it was a Dire wolf, but as long as it didn't go after any of them, then he didn't really care right now, since there were clearly more important matters to attend to. Even Sokoya was getting into the fight, although she made a conscious effort to stay away from Nikolaii as she fought.