(exactly lol) Lest we Forget said: ( Shit. Shade the experiment. ) Adrian watched her aura run off. I'll be fine. He let the Strigoi grab him and tie him. Adrian didn't resist. I'll see you tonight. " You want me because im her weak point. If im dead it'll cause her more pain if she died herself. " He snarled.
shade looked at liko "we agreed not to talk about that!" "tell them shade! tell them the truth of why you dont want to be immortal, why you whear your hoodies and why you shapeshift at random times!"
You fucking better be back Selena said still in the woods, but watching from a distance if anyone speaks one more time, one of you die. And I dont care who it is. " The strigoi said before turning to Adrian " shes your weak point, eh? Well then.... gonna have some fun with you ."
(shade and liko are at the house btw also waiting for ruby to but in lol) shade snarled "never! they dont need to know!"
ruby heared something going on " What is going on in this house?" she asked, " No arguments, please" Edward and adelrick were int he living room, so they could hear everything as well
"tell them!" "no!" "now!" "never!"
Ruby snarled " I said enough" Adaelrick sighed " I suggest you do tell us" he said standing up and walked over " no secrets to be hidden in this house. Ever"
shade looked at him "im not telling. its not a secret. its my past. the past i vowed to hide"
" I said.... tell us now or ill kill you" Adelrick snarled, face to face with Shade " Take it easy son... they will tell us when they are ready" Ruby said pushing him back " its a ssecret in this house, Shade."
"go ahead, kill me" she had a gleam in her eyes
Adelrick... dont...ill do it when I come back home.. I know how to deal with her Selena said just as dshe walked back into the house Adelrick snarled, his fangs out " tell us before its too late"