" your gonna have to make me shut up" She snarled, fighting the bonds. feeling the heat behind her as she melted the bonds she shielded herself in the mean time as well.
blade snarled "shes loose, strigoi!"
The strigoi snarled and headed back inside " I-Ill fix it...." Giving Adrian the time to act. " You wouldnt dare touch me now, dumbass" she said shifting into her dog form and growled
blade then saw shade and grabbed his knife
Adrian snarled and ran over to Selena. " Get out of here. " He turned to a Strigoi. " Take me. It's me you want not her. "
The strigoi snarled " we want the girl. Why would bwe want you?" Selena was shaking in fear before shifting into her other human form " Just do as he says, dumbass" before turning invisible and ran off into the woods. I hope you are making the right choice, Adrian... I dont want to loose you again
shade grabbed the same rock she used to "kill" seleana and ran at blade with it before teleporting back to the house with an angry liko "no! do you want to go back to the labratory! no killing! they will know shade!"
stop fighting you idiots Selena snarled fighting wont do any of us good The strigoi grabbed Adrian and pinned him against the wall, binding him in the shackles again
(her past is bout to be uncovered XD) R A N B O O said: shade grabbed the same rock she used to "kill" seleana and ran at blade with it before teleporting back to the house with an angry liko "no! do you want to go back to the labratory! no killing! they will know shade!"
shade grumbled
( Shit. Shade the experiment. ) Adrian watched her aura run off. I'll be fine. He let the Strigoi grab him and tie him. Adrian didn't resist. I'll see you tonight. " You want me because im her weak point. If im dead it'll cause her more pain if she died herself. " He snarled.