
Bobby sighed and shook his head as he left. He was starting to think that maybe Judy would be ok alone with no mate. Bobby did not say anything to Michael as he had nothing to say to him. Alexandra listened as she ready but she saw what was happening to Bobby. Judy saw Bobby returning and said nothing as she knew that he upset. Bobby laid down on his bed and fell asleep. Abraham had been watching and whispered "second time that I have seen Bobby upset." Olivia nodded as she went to go hunting for food as she was unsure if Judy needed someone to go hunting.

Michael saw Bobby walk off sad and another thought crossed his mind. Maybe Bobby told me that info on purpose... does he want me to become Judy's mate and help her lead the pack? Michael let this thought distract him as he continued training with Alexandria. Eventually, Michael called for an end to the session as he was starting to get tired, but all he could think about was what Bobby said to him about Judy. I think now is a good time to talk to her. Michael waved to Alexandria before shifting back into his human form as he walked over to Judy. He entered and saw that Bobby was by Judy, upset again. "Hey, Judy, do you have a minute?"

Judy said "Yes. I have a minute." She got up and went to Michael. She look at him confused as she was unsure of what was going to happen. Bobby got up and left as he wanted to be around Abraham. Bobby ran to Abraham and they began to talk about the future. Alexandra was watching Bobby and Abraham as she knew that Abraham would always be there to help Bobby with his feelings. Bobby began to feel tried as he stayed by Abraham and he said "Its always fun to be spending time with you Abraham." Abraham smiled as he look at Bobby. Olivia returned with food for the pack.

Michael sat down next to Judy and opened his mouth to begin talking, only to close it as he could not find the words to say. Wow this is a lot harder than I thought it would be. Just get through this Michael, you'll be fine. Michael cleared his throat before looking at Judy. "So Judy, while I was training Bobby told me somthing about you..." Michael had to look away for a moment out of embarrassment. "Bobby asked me about what a crush was, and after I explained it to him he bluntly told me that you... had a crush on me." Michael let the words flow from his lips as he clutched his legs, feeling completely embarrassed about talking to her about her private feelings. "I'm sorry to bring this up to you, since it is your feelings and all, but after Bobby told it to me, I couldn't get it out of my head and I figured I want to get it out in the air. But, there's just one question as to why you have a crush on me... why me out of everyone else in the pack? I've only been here what, two nights? Not only that, you're the Alpha, and I'm simply a newcomer." He lowered his head to avoid her eyes, embarrassment hitting its limit.

Judy said "Well everyone else does not talk to me but you do. Somehow you make me feel safe and plus you are always helpful with the pack. I understand if you don't accept my feelings. I just feel happy around you." She look outside and added "No one has ever check up on me expcet for Bobby until you heard what had happened to me. You grew protective of the whole pack which no one has done. I better go thank the whole pack for keeping me safe." She left and she went to thank the whole pack. Judy felt like she would be rejected since they hardly knew each other but at least she told him the truth. Judy sighed as she was walking around the pack to make sure that everyone was ok since she needed to get her mind off what had happened.

MIchael walked after her, and after she finished talking to one group of pack members, Michael took her aside to talk to her. "Judy, of course I care about you. You're the pack Alpha, and if the leader is in trouble, I have to worry about you. Also..." He took one of her hands. "Since my kids will also be werewolves, why not become mates with someone within the pack? And since you have feelings for me, why don't we give this a shot and see where this goes?" He smiled at her, hoping that she may say yes to the whole thing. "And... if you're 100% by then, maybe you and I can go hunting together some time, just the two of us... if you don't mind, of course." Michael wasn't too sure about this whole 'dating' thing, but he was saying what he thought made sense, and hopefully it would work.

Judy look at him and said "Michael, I am 100% about this. There is no one else that I would want to be with. Going hunting together sounds like fun." She smiled and she gave him a hug as she was happy. Judy never thought that she would be this happy since she never had a mate before. Judy look at him and said "We can go hunting whenever you are not busy with stuff if you want." She was going to let him choose when they went hunting since she was unsure of when he had to work and when he had time off. Judy was looking at him as she was feeling safe with him there.

Michael grinned as Judy gave him a hug. "Well, if you're not busy by then, how about tomorrow when I come off of work and come back to the pack? We'll have plenty of time to hunt then." He grinned, now getting excited for this hunting trip with her. "I guess that would be our... first date?" Michael grinned awkwardly at Judy. "Well, I hope that everytihng goes well tomorrow night when we go out on our hunt. Thanks for this Judy." He gave her another hug before looking up at the moon. "I think I'll head back home early tonight. I need to catch up on my sleep so I'm not a zombie for work... and so I can spend more time on the hunt with you." He gave her one more hug before saying goodbye to her and Bobby before taking off to go back to sleep.

Judy said "Sure. Tomorrow works for me. Our first date, I like the sound of it." She smiled and added "Alright. Be safe Michael and I can't wait to go on the hunt tomorrow." She was very happy about this as she look at him. She gave him a hug back as she was going to miss him. Bobby had said goodbye to Michael as most of the pack was going to be getting some sleep. Alexandra and Olivia went to their own pack houses as Bobby went to his as he was going to sleep in his own pack house which was next to Abraham's house. Judy watched Michael leave as she went to her own pack house and she was feeling something different. She thought *I must be feeling love. I am hoping everything goes well as I want to spend time with Michael.*

Michael drove back home and went to asleep, excited for the date tomorrow with Judy. As he went to sleep, all he could think about was going on his first hunt. I hope I don't do anything really stupid and embarrass myself. Sleep quickly took over Michael and he had a passing thought about Humphrey but sleep would chase that away. In the blink of an eye, Michael was back up, making his breakfast and having a pep in his step, as he only had to go through the day and through his shift and he would go on his first hunt, er, date, with Judy. Never thought Judy would have feelings for me like this, but then again, I don't think that I would be within a pack of werewolves. He looked at Ezekiel, who was watching him move around with a bit of gusto. "You're in a good mood Michael. I wonder what for..." He put a sarcastic hand on his chin to ponder as he slyly grinned at him. "I think a raise is in my near future." Michael countered, knowing what Ezekiel was trying to go for. Edited at October 29, 2021 08:51 PM by Shadow Hearts