
Sorry ET- But must I explain my FRUSTRATIONS at this? I cannot tell you how MAD this gets me. I cannot stand when I show off some art and someone goes "Wow, I wish my art was as good as yours." Stop it Not only are you putting yourself down as an artist, but your setting unrealistic standards for every other artist. When people say this, others get this way of thinking of "Well, if my art doesn't look like so and so's, then it's not good at all." So untrue on so many levels omg EUGH STAPH Everyone has different experiences as an artist, and that's ok. Everyone starts somewhere, nothing just appears outta thin air. Like,,,you don't come outta the womb knowing how to drive do ya? It's the same thing with art. It takes time. But when you compare your art with someone else whose had more experience and more time with it, you give up. You make yourself and other artists lose a future potential, a future hobby, or fuck, a future career. Don't do this. Stop it. It's not cool.

I feel ya! Put it in a positive way with the pros and cons! Thank you!

I despise hearing this, too. Especially the iconic "I can barely draw a stickman lol" line. I don't think it's even rooted in putting themselves down for me, it just kind of feels like guilt tripping?? I don't know, I can't really read tone through text, but... I dunno sometimes it feels like telling me you're incapable of doing something I'm good at is an attempt at guilt tripping me into giving it to you?? Regardless, I comepletely agree. A lot of people are convinced that it's a compliment when it really isn't. If you want to compliment an artist, just use a compliment. It's not that hard.
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Literally los campesinos! said: I despise hearing this, too. Especially the iconic "I can barely draw a stickman lol" line. I don't think it's even rooted in putting themselves down for me, it just kind of feels like guilt tripping?? I don't know, I can't really read tone through text, but... I dunno sometimes it feels like telling me you're incapable of doing something I'm good at is an attempt at guilt tripping me into giving it to you?? Regardless, I comepletely agree. A lot of people are convinced that it's a compliment when it really isn't. If you want to compliment an artist, just use a compliment. It's not that hard.

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Frfr, to anyone who says such things especially if you compare an artist to another [yes, even if you think this other artist is better] just,, don't. Don't say 'Oh you're almost as good as X' or 'If you keep working you'll be like X' it is not the compliment you think it is!
Also, for fuck's sake, I know you're well-meaning, but my art is not talent. It's years of practise and work. Please don't disregard all of the work I've put into my art by writing it off as talent.

FORREAL that last part really gets on my nerves sksksk Eternity said: THANKS LOL I WAS BUSY I COULDN'T WRITE IT- [Aka I went to sleep]
Frfr, to anyone who says such things especially if you compare an artist to another [yes, even if you think this other artist is better] just,, don't. Don't say 'Oh you're almost as good as X' or 'If you keep working you'll be like X' it is not the compliment you think it is!
Also, for fuck's sake, I know you're well-meaning, but my art is not talent. It's years of practise and work. Please don't disregard all of the work I've put into my art by writing it off as talent.

Aaaaa, I feel this so much, it's really odd to get as a compliment and really makes continuing a conversation hard? 'Cause you know they're putting themselves down and you gotta be like "oh no, your art is so pretty, I only have more experience and I promise if you were doing art as long as I have you'd be here too." It kinda seems like fishing for compliments and validation. If you get me?

Lowkey though;; I completely see what your saying here, because I feel the same way whenever this happens and then I just drop the conversation. Spring Spark said: Aaaaa, I feel this so much, it's really odd to get as a compliment and really makes continuing a conversation hard? 'Cause you know they're putting themselves down and you gotta be like "oh no, your art is so pretty, I only have more experience and I promise if you were doing art as long as I have you'd be here too." It kinda seems like fishing for compliments and validation. If you get me?

Game Moderator Darkseeker
It's really upsetting. I understand adoring an artist's style, but comparing it to another is downright disrespectful. There are much more lines and saying that artists and myself hate to hear. When a starting/nonartist compares their work to an artist who's been doing art for much longer, it drags the journey of their style and hard work to shit. Appreciate your own journey people! Goddamn! There are no shortcuts, or techniques to magically pull a 100% art out of your ass, sorry not sorry. It's all in the studying, and testing, and working day in and day out to get better. Artists already have a problem comparing their own art with others, ya'll nonartist/starting artists aren't helping us when you are feeding into the negativity ;D But yeah I agree bro.

This is going to be pretty short- Omg I hate the so much aaa- But I also hate "It's better then mine", it just,, puts me down every time ^^"