Firewood, That's awsome! Thanks for subscribing ^^ What breed(s)? ;w;
Random question: why goats have such unique pupils? And do goats have different eye colors ( theirs look brown to me, but are there maybe blue eyes too) ?
Meian I have Nigerian Dwarves. (Dwarfs?) Two wethers, about four months old. I am hoping to get a doe sometime this month.
Firewood, Aww, nigerians are so precious! ^^ wethers are the best, and I would have some if I had enough room for goats that I keep just for personality. :') Have you seen Weed 'em and Reap? I believe their goats are nigerian dwarfs, and they're the sweetest. ~~~~ Hurry, They're pupils help them to see more of their surroundings, therefore covering more ground with possible predators. Actually, there are quite a few prey species with the long horizontal pupils, even horses, but a horse's don't usually stand out because they usually have such dark eyes. Goats get other colors, too. They can have deep blue, pale blue, warm brown, the caramel shade my girls have, a darker brown, and even a yellowish shade to name a few. ^^ Blue eyes, as you might assume, are the most desired, but we have no chance of getting any, as both bucks were brown-eyed. That doesn't sadden me, though, as these babies will still be top-tier and precious as heck! ^^
Meian You watch Weed 'em and Reap as well? I love that channel! I recently discovered it but I absolutely love watching their videos. It is very helpful for me since I haven't had goats before. I'm actually watching one right now.
Firewood, Yes, I love that channel, too! ^^ I have referenced a few of their videos about their pregnant does to add to my arsenal of how to take care of my ladies :)
This forum has been neglected, and I apologize. Maybe I'll get some pics of them up, but I make no promises. :') (My teen sister has just developed her teen side and has been hogging the shared cellphone to text her guy "friend") Anyway, they're due in just over two weeks!! In fact, two weeks from three days ago is the earliest possible arrival date, but Nubians usually hold out until they're due or a little after. :) I've noticed that Catalina is looking a little thin, despite all the extra food I've been giving them. She's at the bottom of the pecking order, so she doesn't get as much food. However, I've been giving her extra grain to make up for the fact, and still giving them nearly double their usual amount of hay. This last period is especially tough for the does, and I suspect that Catalina has triplets, so it's probably taking a serious toll on her. >.< However, I've got it covered, and she hasn't beeing acting lethargic or anything, so it's all good. She's already gaining back some weight, and she should be looking plump in a week or so. :) Add on: They've also begun to show more interest in the mineral as of a few days ago, probably in light of the impending kidding, so that's great! :D Edited at March 6, 2021 08:17 PM by Meian
Goats have hierarchy? Could you explain some more :D
Hurry, Yeah, I'm glad you asked! ^^ Basically, in most any group in nature, there's a hierarchy, but it's more prominent in some than others. Goats are one of those groups where it's actually more noticeable because they are such intelligent creatures. In the herd, size definitely helps when a goat is trying to dominate, but intelligence probably outranks size (yet, again, size has an impact). The higher a member is, the more they get to eat, and, they would make decisions for the group such as where to go or how to handle certain situations. In our herd, Catalina is probably the brightest, followed closely by Destiny, and then Stella is kinda... out in the abiss somewhere when it comes to brains. However, when it comes to size, Stella wins easily, Destiny is average, and Catalina is a small bean. Stella uses her size to push the smallest (Catalina) around. Destiny has used her intelligence + average size to dominate Stella, and Destiny also uses this ranking to protect Catalina whenever Stella wants to bully the small bean. :) Destiny, being the leader, is in charge of keeping an eye out for danger and protecting the herd if it's necessary. She shows a lot of favoritism for Catalina, though, always running to her side when there are strange people nearby. Stella usually just hangs in the back, and has to put herself behind Destiny when she wants protecting. Stella and Catalina don't really have jobs within the small herd, but Catalina is always sticking fiercely to Destiny's side. XD