Wolves019 You walk be the way you came, the buck following you. You open the gate, lead him out, then shut it. You then walk away with him still following. Congratulations! You've successfully caught him! He will be added to your pasture after payment & items will go into inventory (52 mush) ![](https://i.ibb.co/f2BxYpV/Untitled251-20241026225500.png) What would you like to name him? Edited at October 27, 2024 11:53 AM by Acornclan
I'd like to name him Smoke. Sending payment now.
Wolves019 said: I'd like to name him Smoke. Sending payment now.
Added to your pasture & putting your leftover items and uses on your list! Link Thank you!
The Amethyst You follow the sound, the little soft maahs become a bit louder. You walk along the shelves, your eyes scanning the darkness. As you make your way down the row, you hear the brown buckling bleating. You can't stay in here too much longer...Then you look into a patch of sunlight, a little gray doeling is laying down with her head up. ![](https://i.ibb.co/MPYwbzC/Untitled255-20241027152521.png) A. Call out softly to her B. Grab Bottle of Milk (would be 0 uses remaining if used) C. Leave and go back to the buckling
Pack Name/Number: StarDarc, 316951 Items: Leash and Collar x4, Second Cut Hay, Bottle of Milk, Apple-scented treats, Dog Treats Discount(s): New Pack Payment: 115 - 20% = 92 Other:
StarDarc said: Pack Name/Number: StarDarc, 316951 Items: Leash and Collar x4, Second Cut Hay, Bottle of Milk, Apple-scented treats, Dog Treats Discount(s): New Pack Payment: 115 - 20% = 92 Other:
Starting your interactive in a moment :D
StarDarc After choosing your items, you walk along the path to the goat pasture. Loud bleating fills the air as you notice there is a door on the barn you could enter. You wonder whether to go to the gate or barn, listening, looking, just trying to figure out which place has more goats. The barn appears to be more quiet, or maybe it's just the walls keeping in the noise. The fence seems to go on forever. A. Gate/Fence B. Barn