StarDarc You lower yourself down from the fence, then peer once more at the dog. It stares at you. You carefully move to the side, then slow make your way forward, pausing after a few steps to look around the dog. The small bleat rings out again, and the dog growls at you as you try to get closer. You stop and look harder towards the shadow behind the dog. The dog's ears perk up suddenly, and it lets out a bark, head turning towards the outside fence. It casts on glance behind it, then darts out of the barn. Then you spot it. ![](https://i.ibb.co/WDyjGrQ/Untitled266-20241104142553.png) It's a doeling, one who looks hurt but you can't see any wounds from here. A. Approach her B. Leave her C. Try and follow the dog
StarDarc You walk over to the kid, seeing how small she looks. She looks weak, and as you apprach her she doesn't move. Her breathing wasn't too great, but she was still alive. You crouch down beside her and spot a small scratch on her. It surely wasn't what was causing her pain, and for a moment you wonder where mother was. A. Offer the kid bottle of milk B. Leave her C. Reach out and pet her
StarDarc You get out your bottle of milk and gently press it close to her mouth. Her head trembling, she sniffs at it, then slowly drinks some of the milk. Her eyes seem to light up as she drinks, and her small tail flicks as she lay there, slowly drinking the milk. A. Wait B. Pet her C. Get out leash and collar
StarDarc You reach out your hand to the baby. Once you touch her, you can feel how cold she is, feeling her shaking a bit now you have your hand on her. As you stroke her, she drinks the milk happily. After a few moments, milk forms a little mustache around her mouth, dripping onto the ground. What do you do now? A. Keep petting her B. Get out leash and collar and put them on her C. Pick her up, still letting her drink the milk
StarDarc You use your free hand to nudge the goat a bit closer to you, then gently lift her up onto your lap. She seems to be starved, but isn't drinking all that fast. She seems to melt against you, soaking up the warmth. Wrapping your arm around her, you hold her securely as she drinks the milk. A. Stand up with her in your arm B. Pet her C. Wait