Sent! Long Wang said: I'm working on some starter dragonlings but not yet. Until then, send over the mush and we'll get started. Arachne said: Pack Name and Number: Arachne 183517 Items you would like to use: Fin for fun, Dragon Call Total Price: 17 mush Terrain: Beaches Favorite Color: Sunset orange Questions/Comments- Is there a price for the dragonling itself I'm missing? Also I love this!
Xing suddenly stops walking and you turn around and realize you are where you started, the beginning of all of this. You turn to ask Xing why he brought you back but he's nowhere to be found. You look around you at the sandy ground at your feet. you can: move forward move left move right move into the shallow water try to retrace your walk with Xing call out for Xing use an item
I move into the shallow water
You move into the ocean, cautious as the ground beneath you slowly gets blurry and disappeared. The water is around your hips, not too deep but deep enough that you can't see the ground. You feel something nibble at your toes. you can: keep on swimming duck underwater and see what's there leave the ocean
duck underwater and see what's there
You duck underwater and for a minute, all you can see is sand and a miniature coral reef that stretches around you for what seems like forever. Discovery! You take a minute to enjoy the scenery before the mysterious thing nibbles at your toes again, drawing your attention. You squint and realize the sand is moving!
you can: try to sweep away some of the sand explore coral reef leave coral reef go back to surface of the ocean
Try to sweep away some of the sand
You lower your hand to sweep away some of the sand. A creature quickly flutters out, revealing itself as not the pale yellow of the sand it's been hiding in, but the rainbow of colors around you in the coral reef. It's a Turtleling, of the sea turtle variety! It seems tired, it might be tamable, should you try? you can: try to tame the Turtleling without an item look around for an item to take the Turtleling with explore coral reef Leave coral reef return to the surface
look around for an item to take the Turtleling with
You slowly back away, and search the corals for something that may tame the Turtleling. The Turtleling stays in place, watching you. As you search, your hand scrapes against something... metallic in the ground. you can: keep searching dig the item up try to tame the Turtleling return to the surface