My post was not great but enjoy Henry being excited by seeing Ian! :D
My mind be like: Well darn-! I forgot who Ian was... I am so bad at remembering characters, that I often have to reread all the forms- T-T Edited at January 7, 2023 09:39 PM by Fruit Lovers
Yeah I've got two of Kyros and Ivala, but still only one of Ian. However, I'm not trying to meet a minimum or anything, just keeping it to the max of three lol Imperial Sands said: I definitely would, as there were only supposed to be a few posts per character before the attack began, and some of us are only getting out our second posts now for our characters.
Dude, I do that all the time XD Or I have to go back and verify their appearance or personality trait lol Fruit Lovers said: My mind be like: Well darn-! I forgot who Ian was... I am so bad at remembering characters, that I often have to reread all the forms- T-T
Also Henry is so cute :3 Edited at January 8, 2023 02:13 PM by Meian
I'm dying for a Kyros post
Spellbound said: I'm dying for a Kyros post
I'm dying for Juniper and Bagel to meet each other.
Kyros has already gone twice, so I gotta wait for a Aina post before I put my boy up again *^*
Meian said: Kyros has already gone twice, so I gotta wait for a Aina post before I put my boy up again *^*
Kyros is awesome-
Finally posted one for Bagel. Sorry for the wait.
do not apologize for that greatness. it was worth the wait!!