I have almost no free time right now so until I can post, ignore Ezra and Wren 😬
Dude, same here :P I'm trying to workout the harem RP I've got with Kyros cos i'm kinda hosting it, and I won't let it die before it starts, and I hardly have time for that lol.
Okay I promise I will try to get a post out today, but it might be short for Darwin since he is only reacting to the whole bad ex situation.
Getting post out now , hehe had a few days where I had no motivation to do anything XD.
Finally posting for Aislin. I didn't really know where to put her but there's puppies in that room so that's where she's going >:3
I'm really sorry guys; life is too much at the moment and I'm gonna drop all my RPs until I can figure out how to manage everything
Your okay mom. Life comes first
Mother said: I'm really sorry guys; life is too much at the moment and I'm gonna drop all my RPs until I can figure out how to manage everything
Oki Would you like me to play your characters? Until you come back or something ?