" Of course not, I mean Ciman's sister is a but annoying but again, I'll kill anyone who bores her " Ciman, would you go camping with Zaki?
"Right now? Maybe... I feel like he might try to cross some boundaries or something because he still thinks he "owns" me. Earlier in our relationship though, yeah. Yeah, totally." Rate your ability to cook and/or favorite dish to make/eat!
“ 6-10. I'm not a personal chef but I know a little something,”
Favorite part about being an element.
"The power. I... That sounded a lot more narcissistic than I inteneded. I just like feeling some semblance of control, I guess. No one is going to mess with me either when I can freeze their asses." What animal do you feel is your soul animal and what do you think would Ciman's be?
“ Probably a house cat, unsure how to explain it. Ciman is probably a lizard at best”
Is loving Zaki hard or easy?
"Yes. I mean, fuck I love him so much it hurts, but... it's like he doesn't even care about me as a person. I am only 'his Ciman' where he can get his daily dose of romantic and sexual interactions with enough coarsion or after enough fighting. I don't know. At some point if enough people treat you like this in your life, you just snap eventually when someone you thought you could trust does it again." Would you say you are too controlling of Ciman?
" Controlling? I let....I...why...who said I was controlling? I just...allow...Ciman to do whatever he wants...If I were controlling, I would control what he wears...or does..he's free to do whatever---I'll say I'm more obsessively protective of what's clearly mine," Do you think Zaki talks to other men behind your back?
"I don't... I don't think so? I have heard of him threatening other me but never really about him talking behind my back. I mean, I worry about that a little but I trust him- trusted, I guess, since we aren't dating anymore..." Surely you've heard of poly relationships, right Zaki? Do you think you could be in one of these relationships and why or why not?
“ If Ciman came to me talking about loving another man the same way as he loved me. I would be concerned, furious, depressed, and probably ask if this guy was in therapy. Otherwise, I would try it out if it made Ciman love me slightly more,” Speaking of Poly, Ciman are you a top, switch or bottom. If Switch why haven't you told Zaki?
"I'm a switch and I am actually ambi, too, meaning I can be happy in either a poly or mono relationship. I am kinda glad I figured this out in my early college years before Zaki because... well, Zaki seems to prefer a mono relationship, which again I am totally fine with, and to be a top, which also works with me even if I wish I could take a bit more control. I guess I just didn't want to upset him even if Zaki would be okay with the truth... Bad habit of mine." Okay two questions actually, one for Gale and one for Zaki. Gale, what's your type? And Zaki for a less serious question, waffles or pancakes?