Again.. I'm gonna count how many times I do this.. Edited at July 18, 2022 05:25 PM by Nirvana_Sky
But I made Lisha just mental tough nut who is very obedient and shy all the time.
He is the embodiment of Oscar the Grouch, Halt O'Carrick, Fitz, and that one "ain't nobody got time for that" lady from the news. He isn't going to take anyone's shit no matter who they are.
I can have Baron be with the Pups. So he can settle them down,shield,and anyone/anything will see him first.
Please. Odyis hates drama, however if it involves her family or her she's hella quick to make sure it's ended quickly. Mother said: He can't stand teenagers. Too much drama and fighting for him to deal with, lol. Too many dominant personalities; he'll just nope it right out of there
Against my better judgement I will be adding a fifth character. Pray for me xD
I pray for you. I can't only usually handle four at most.
I gotchu Imp 🙏🏼. Also, what rank will they be?
Now I wanna add a mean male wolf. Crap.
It going to be a Female Warrior :) Shes gonna be an antagonist. Like there's a whole subplot for her. Spellbound said: I gotchu Imp 🙏🏼. Also, what rank will they be?