i guess :D I love looking at characters and OCs everyone always has such creative ideas it's rsally cool
Moonlight, but like what I'm confused about is how you add that thing where you put all the information in? Like I see so many people with it and it looks so cool I've just never been able to figure out where they get it from XD
I just realized, I have so many characters for roleplays named Sameen, one is a human and then the other one is a wolf and then the main Sameen who has art is a wolf also XD
*heelys in* DiD sOmEoNe SaY cOoKiEs?!?!
XD that's okay I have at least four different versions of an OC named Sarah Phoenix
Cinderclaws said: Moonlight, but like what I'm confused about is how you add that thing where you put all the information in? Like I see so many people with it and it looks so cool I've just never been able to figure out where they get it from XD
if you want I can send you a link to the forum which helped me understand what you do with codes and everything :D FancyPants said:
aww citrus is is so cute <3 am I allowed to make art of citrus with your permission for free?
FancyPants said:
aww citrus is is so cute <3 am I allowed to make art of citrus with your permission for free?
Yeah sure!
Thank you <3 he is just so cute thank you :D
Edited at April 6, 2022 01:22 PM by Royal Pack