wolf. I hope so, too. And you're right, I think I just wanna make my own notes offsite for planning what's going to happen in the story in general, so that would include character development. Also.. there are going to be quite a few characters, so a lot of planning is ahead of me-
Corax Noir said: It's hard to keep an RP going long enough for characters to really develop, in my experience.
That's true Pudding, if the roleplay dies, want to do a 1x1 with Mutt and Cheeto?
Non Sure! I'd be up to it.
I haven't had a RP last over a month. I am just trying to keep improving, and if you guys could give me suggestions and advice about how I can do better I would appreciate it. Edited at August 3, 2020 07:57 PM by -Spellbound
Spell One thing that I think might help you is not to have so many roleplays. I think you spread yourself too thin. Quality over Quantity. Other than that, I haven't seen anything that I can give you a tip on.
i had my first rp that has lasted 40+ pages and i'm very happy because i've actually seen development within my character, which is something that never happens and corax, i noticed that you like to make oddball characters which i love lmao. they always stick out one way or another, whether it be appearance-wise or personality-wise, though from every character i've seen you play, it's both. it takes a certain kind of rp master to make every character weirder than the next while simultaneously being realistic and interesting to interact with. if you're looking for more character types to try out, i'd say go to that character/tv trope website and look through all of the types. my favorite thing to do when i'm bored is to blend two completely different tropes like the "family man" trope and a villain trope
Hol' up- Has anybody made a shout up for The Sandman/e m t p y/Alexander Hamilton/Ares Ark/Whatever other names that I may have forgotton of this one dude? Well, bang- there we have the shout out. Another person that's fun to RP with. ^^
I'm just coming back to this because it's amazing. Is there anyone here I haven't complimented yet? Even if I haven't RPed with someone, we all need a little positive feedback, so send on over a RP sample or two!
Oh! Sandman is awesome to RP with and just chat with in general ^^ I really do love his writing :)
Also, does anyone have any tips on how to make my characters more interesting?