Oh wow I see so many mistakes in all your writing. Grammer, punctuation, capitilazation, and the facts. Obviously the scientist who conducted those studies were nimrods.
Amber Pack said: Oh wow I see so many mistakes in all your writing. Grammer, punctuation, capitilazation, and the facts. Obviously the scientist who conducted those studies were nimrods.
lawd help me cure my grammer mistakes !
You literally spelled wolves as "woles," as well as using a comma splice. Do you even know what a comma splice is?
Edited at October 13, 2020 05:02 PM by Wolffang
I am going to say exactly what I think. Sorry to my fellow wolves. I actually like cats. I own one.
Amber Pack said: Obviously the scientist who conducted those studies were nimrods.
I agree. they were nimrods when they were babies, but so were you. the scientists ARE well-respected professionals in their respective fields. thanks for coming to my TED talk
Perhaps they went through a bout of amnesia where they forgot wolves are superior?
Highly unlikely as research papers are peer reviewed numerous times before being published Edited at October 13, 2020 05:05 PM by Wolffang
perhaps you went through a bout of amnesia when you forgot cats are superior? that's more believable than multiple scientists experiencing the same bout of amnesia
Perhaps you are going through a bout of amnesia and you forgot wolves are superior? That more believable than me having amnesia for 5+ years.