Name: Age: 3 Gender: Female Pride: Sangyana Rank: Huntress Desired Rank: Content As Of Now, But Wouldn't Refuse A Higher Position Thoughts on the Harem Lionesses: Appearance: [ words ] All Image credits go to windfuchs on DA Personality: This female is quite the unfriendly looking individual. If you just look at her you'd be warded off by her steely gaze. Or the way she walks with a defined elegance in her step. Not to mention whenever you try to approach her she seems irritated or unimpressed by you. Sometimes you can be met with a blank, icy glare. It's really hard to tell her emotions from just how she looks at times, but sometimes it's quite evident. One would make the assumption shes dull-witted because she'll stare at you blankly, or she's uppity or a snob due to the way she carries herself, and maybe even boring. Once you get past the prickly exterior (if one ever manages to do it.) You'll find out may suprising things about her. She's quite intelligent and a deep-thinker. And that she actually enjoys companionship, you just have to catch on to her mood/work your way into her friendship/aquaitenceship zone. If you come up to her chatty and she wants to sit in silence then she'll just up and leave. It's not that she doesn't enjoy company, she just wants something quiet and calm for a while before she gets to know you. If you even manage to get a conversation out of her and you're not her friend then you're going places. You'll find she's highly observant of others. She notices the small, miniscule details of things. And can recall details that you said months, even years ago. This can be good and bad in a way as she can use it in arguments against you if you peeve her enough. This female is quite wise for her age, and she's also very shrewd. She is very astute; able to accuratley access a situation and use it to her advantage. She's also quick to understand cryptic messages or ones with eloquent and flowery speech. Not to mention she has a clear-head and thinks before rushing into things. She enjoys listening to older and more mature lionesses and learn from their wisdom. Sometimes she seems like an old soul in a young body. This female has a refined manner about her; she isn't one to just flop down, she's one to elegantly lie down. She doesn't walk with bulky or overly-loud steps; but one of softer and fainty ones. And she keeps her posture erect and taut as if she's always being watched by somone. You can tell these characteristics came from a very classy, and proper influence in her life. While her words at times don't match her behavior, they sometimes do. As she can be refined in speech, she can also switch to callous words. This female has her days when she's more ill-tempered than others. And you can tell by her gloomy actions and words. She'll also be more droll on these days; being unitentionally humorous. Yet her sarcasm and witty responses will be more vicious than usual as well. She'll also be more sulky and uncooperative with those she doesn't like. And it's almost something or someone who has put her in this mood as she doesn't have isn't always like this. Other times she'll be pugnacious at times, because life needs a little spice, but this is uncommon, yet not rare. When you have caught the bad side of this female, either by insulting her or offending someone she cares about she'll be out for blood. Her words will be fiery in tone and laced in venom. While her expression will be blank, and icy with an underlying smugness. This female is very opinionated even if she doesn't show it. While she doesn't particularly enjoy pointless small talk, she'll easily tell you her opinion/thoughts on someone. She's also stern & blunt in her manner of speech; if she doesn't like you, she'll tell you: "Go away, I don't like you" or "Your prescense here is unwelcomed." . If your annoying or boring her, she'll roll her eyes dramatically saying: "GOD, why are you pestering me? Go annoy or bore someone else." And if you are being stupid she'll say, "Why am I surrounded by imbeciles, no, why are you so idiotic?" She's accepted that there will be times when she'll be forced to apologise for her blunt delivery despite the fact that she don’t think she should have to. For this very reason, this young creature has developed an apology that works for such an occasion. Something like: ‘I’m sorry my opinion made you feel that way…’ or ' I'm sorry you're so thin-skinned and can't take criticism.' She doesn't trust others a lot. Did she always appear to be unfeeling and cold, no. Others took advantage of her kindness and compassion, so swore to lock that portion of her away, because she never wants to be used again by others. However, once in a while you can see a glint of kindness and compassion in her eyes, but it's very rare to see or witness. She's firm, and almost kind with those she trusts and know can't handle her brashness [particularly cubs. And she can even be gentle and almost goofy with them.] This female is very dependable; once you have her in your corner she'll always be there (unless you break her trust.) If you break trust with her then you'd better be ready to move mountains to earn it back. Crush: No Mate: No Cubs: She's Not Raising Any Gremlins Kin: Open For A Mother Affiliations: WIP Other: Edited at July 28, 2022 08:14 AM by Spellbound
can i have a Harem lioness, the second male and a huntress please Imp? ^^
Spell and Polly, You got it!
Name: Nkazimulo
Meaning "Glory" in Zulu Age: 4.5 Years Old Gender: Female Pride: Sangyana Pride Rank: Second Lioness Desired Rank: Content Thoughts on the Harem Lionesses: They are parasites to the pride and should be promptly removed before they cause damage. She doesn't care for their sob story, she doesn't trust their motives or their timing in joining the pride. She also doesn't feel the need to put them so high on a pedestal. Just like the Queen she wants them gone and she won't be too shy about keeping it to herself. For now all of them are a nuisance unless proven otherwise. Appearance: [ Credits to Coccineus on DA ] When looking at this female you noice her dark golden fur. With her underbelly being lighter and her having splashes of white or cream on her chest and around her neck. She also has lighter strands of hair on her neck as well. The tip of her tail is charcoal black. On her body is a fair amount of healed scars, some small and unnoticeable- while one or two may stand out more than others. They all have different stories some from accidents, a too rough sparring session, or maybe a mishap with a hunt. Other than that it tells of her experience and age. This female stands at 3.7 feet tall and weighs in around 280 to 300 pounds. So she'd be considered a medium sized lioness with her body being a well-balanced mixture of power and speed. This size gives her the advantage and helps her be an excellent huntress and one you could rely on in a hunt. Her body is muscular and a tad bit lean but their is a slight broadness to her shoulders - she has long limbs that help her gracefully move around and move swiftly. Thought she'd be consider smaller than some lionesses, she's still one you want to count in on a fight because she can be quick and agile. This female has what can be described as beautiful and eye catching amber eyes. The colors being a beautiful mixture of yellow and orange with the brown giving her eyes a pretty honied look. Her eyes can grow bright and appear bright like gold in certain light or a dark honey when upset or annoyed. Her eyes are expressive and a window into her soul. This female walks with grace and elegance, with her head high and posture always in tact. Her voice can be described as a bit raspy, but not overly so - it has that certain feminine charm to it and command and catch the attention of others. Her scent is akin to that of desert flowers and the salty sea Personality: This lioness has an elegant and graceful bearing. She holds her head high and walks with long strides. Her eyes always seem to be roaming, watching, and calculating. She was raised by a lioness that was a Queen in her own right and who taught her to act like one. This lioness walks with the best posture she can muster and likes to make sure her head is high. It may be viewed as haughty or arrogant to do such a thing but no. She wants to make sure she looks her best. Even when she's beaten and worn down she'll muster the strength to hold her head up high and give a smartass smile. She may not have a literal crown but she acts as if she wears one. There is purpose in her step and she strides as if she owns the world. Nothing can bring her down. Neither insults nor physical pain. She'll just bear through it with a smile on her face or a look of ”did you really just go there?” This lioness is quite dominant in behavior and doesn't take to being told what to do well (albeit if you're the boss then she'll do it.) If and when she is ever in charge she expects you to do what she says in a timely and fashionable manner. If you don't do what she says or dare disobey her then this lioness will be quite upset. She can be angry with you and you don't even know it. Only those attentive can catch on to the slight angry twitch of her ear, tail, or eye. Not to mention her voice might raise just a slight octave and her words will convey her displeasure. To see a fire in her eyes or her tail flicking annoyed it means: This lioness is not happy. This female can be quite the character when it comes to her play on words. She is quite humorous at times, liking to crack a quick joke or two. However, these times she's not in the mood for games or jokes. She's grown more serious and sarcastic. She doesn't have a temper and has quite a bit of patience. However, that being said if you do push her more than you should then this lioness becomes quite angry. The mildest form of her anger will be shown in her behavior: from a small tap of her paw, swiveling of her ears and tail, or her slightly baring her fangs. When she is angry then she will spit insults at you ( if you prompt her to do so.). Her words will be venomous yet delivered in the sweetest tone she can bear. If she is truly enraged then you had better run because this will entail her attempting to bite, nip, or claw you. Basically, anything to inflict pain. This is only reserved if you dare to physically attack her or someone she cares for ( friends, family, or children.) This lioness views family and friends as important. Having good friends is one thing she treasures. She strives to be a good friend and be for them no matter what, and she would do everything in her power to make sure they're happy. When it comes to friends and family she may be a bit biased as she cares for them more deeply than others. They say blood is thicker than water, but if you're her true friend then you're basically family. She only puts up with the antics of those she is close to, but even then she'll call them out if they're being stupid or fake towards her. She doesn't like fake friends nor does she tolerate them. She will become more mischievous and bolder in her word choices if someone disrespects her around her friends. This female can take the heat and criticism. She's used to it: her bold and forward nature is sure to ruffle some feathers. She doesn't care if you insult her. Fine, she'll just bite your head off with an insult that'll put you in your place, but she'll deliver it in a calm manner with a venomous tone. No, one does not want to poke this bear, because when she is awake she goes all out on your ass. Now, if you insult her family? Ah, you'd better run for the hills darling. This lioness doesn't tolerate one insulting them, and she will physically put herself between you and them. Now if her sub-adult is being talked about, then they need to learn to have thick skin and she'll tell them to stick up for themselves, but if it's too much then she will come in. And you don't want this angry mama on your ass. However, if you're degrading her cub or the cub of someone close to her then this lioness is coming to you with a mother's fury. This lioness is extremely protective of her cubs especially her younger ones. She doesn't like any lion breathing in their vicinity unless they're the sire(or until she trusts and likes them.) This female also doesn't like any other lionesses trying to take the responsibility of lecturing or disciplining her children. She knows they may mean the best, but if they're not close to her then they can kindly fuck off. Only when she's dead and gone may another raise her children and even then she would have entrusted them to someone she views as worthy of raising them in her absence. This lioness is headstrong when it comes to the raising of her children. She doesn't give in to her children's pleas or demands. If they want to do something then they must ask in a mature and dignified manner and not beg. She does not beg others to do things and therefore her children must not beg or be beggars. She may give her children tough love, but it's only so they'll grow stronger and intelligent. She wants them to be better than her and avoid the mistakes she has made. Her love for her children is unconditional. Her children also know better than to disrespect her or undermine her authority over them even when they're grown she'll still give them a good swat to the face if they get smart with her. No one is worthy of her children, and she'll critically look at any lioness or lion that come near her offspring in a flirtatious manner. They better know to win the mother over before her child. Her children must refer to her as Mother, Mama, or anything honorific that signifies she's their dam. Only when they're seven may they have the privilege of a first name basis. She teaches her cubs how to use their brain, be wise, and how to never be run over. However, they know better than to disobey or misbehave around her. If she even sees/hears about her sub-adult child getting into a fight or bullying someone then they will be in big trouble and it's not just getting nipped trouble. They will get a bite to the arse, a long lecture, and she will confine them do the Pride and isolate them from their friends. And she will expect them to give a formal apology as well to the parents and sub-adult they were so disrespectful to. When it comes to parenthood this mother does not play and she only wants the best for her children. This female is an intelligent and cunning creature. She is a bit power hungry and wants to rise to the top. She is good at calculating how she can do this. Her ambitions are well-founded on the fact that she is sure she’d be a good leader. She knows how and when to protect those she loves, when to take their bullshit and when to listen. This female has a rational outlook. She likes being reasoned with logic and words not fighting. However, if when it comes to debates you won't want to argue with this lass. Due to her observant nature, she can and remember things said or done that can be used against you. She listens to both sides of a story and attempts to make the right logical decision. She's not perfect so she doesn't always get it right. If you don't like her opinion or decision well that's on you because you asked her and she gave you her honest opinion. In some manners, she can be brutally honest ![](https://i.postimg.cc/Vvg6jq8x/DFAFB39-E-6-F71-4043-A231-29-DE55205670.jpg) Crush: We'll See Mate: None Cubs: Possibly Kin: Possibly, open. Affiliations: Nkiruka, The Queen - wip Other: Kazi doesn't like to eat caterpillars.
Oof. I didn't meant to accidentally repost 😅. Well my Second is Done.
WIP Harem Lioness
Name: Age: Gender: Pride: Rank: Desired Rank: Thoughts on the Sangaya Pride: [If a Harem Lioness, Delete Otherwise] Thoughts on the Harem Lionesses: [If a Sangaya Pride Lion or Lioness, Delete if Nomadic or Harem Lioness] Appearance: [Detailed Description Minimum] Personality: [Detailed Description Minimum] Crush: Mate: Cubs: Kin: Affiliations: [Detailed Relationships] Other:
Grabbing harem and huntress spots --
{ A I N A } ![](https://i.postimg.cc/X743Ly1R/growncubby1.jpg) Credits to images go to Dark-Wolfs-Stock on DA Age: 3 Gender: Female Pride: Lishukula (Formerly), Sangaya Rank: Harem Desired Rank: Second, or perhaps Queen Thoughts on the Sangaya Pride Her home was destroyed. She does not usually act with malicious intent, and she does not exactly want to do so now. Her intent is to survive, and then to thrive. However, after all the strain she has endured, this lioness is much less tolerant to those who stand in her way. The majority of the Sangaya pride... they're in her way. Appearance Aina is a tall lioness, and both her late parents' genetics play in her favor. Standing at almost four feet to the shoulder, she sports a muscular but agile body type; while she is not built all-agility or all-strength, she has a nice skillset in both. Her endurance is high and, while her speed is not the most remarkable, she is in prime condition to run long distances. Her muscles are well-defined and wiry, certainly enhancing the more intimidating appearance she has. Aina has graceful, feminine features over all. Large, pale dusty blue eyes are framed by thick eyelashes, dark skin, and sleek white fur. Her nose is a mottled mixture of pink and black with the former color congregating around the center groove. Long, shining teeth are visible with the mischievous grin she occasionally sports. Aima's coat is white, but she has darker cream and gray shading around her face, ears, shoulders, and rump. Her fur is short, soft, and sleek, keeping her warm but also effectively shedding heat. She has a fair number of scars, though none are overly noticeable, that she has gained through mainly hunting endeavors; a few were gained from lions and lionesses in her previous pride. Aina's voice is low and almost sultry, though it carries a hardened tone of a more dominant animal. She speaks eloquently and carries herself in a more regal manner befitting a lioness of a higher station; however, there is nothing pompous about her walk or mannerisms. She is not an arrogant creature, nor does she try to impose her ways on others. Aina leads in a more natural way, focusing first on herself and her own actions. Personality If loyalty and protectiveness were personified, they would be Aina. She is a quiet, reserved lioness -- until her family and her pride is threatened. Aina's strength is both physical and mental, and she will unleash all of the underworld on the unfortunate soul who dared attempt harm her family in any way. She can have quite the harsh mouth when she feels like it, and sharp claws don't hurt either. Aina's forte is mental destruction. This female can locate a weakness and stab at buttons like no other. She whips up lies more easily than anything, and she's good at weaving stories. Of course, in her current circumstances, this gift has been used mainly for the entertainment of her younger pridemates, but there has been a time or two when she has waged psychological war on another lion or lioness. That time is coming once more. She is quite mature. While Aina is aloof and certainly not the most outgoing creature, she can hide it when she needs to and will grin and bear it. She is adventurous, but her idiotic actions died within her first year or so of life. Now, she is much more rational in her decisions and plans before doing. She measures threats and formulates actions accordingly; there is nothing sudden or sporadic about this lioness. She enjoys hunting, though playing with cubs is her favorite pastime. She keeps an eye on expectant or new mothers to make sure everything goes smoothly, as she has seen the drastic effects that can occur when there is a hiccup in the birthing process. In such situations -- in any stressful time, actually -- Aina maintains a level head and her composure, allowing her to think rationally and find a quick, effective solution to the problem. She is not below asking for help, though that is usually a last resort. She is an intelligent, guarded creature, keeping nearly all of her emotions and unneccessary thoughts to herself. She can hide the aforementioned treasures quite well and can easily throw up false ones when needed. Aina hates showing weakness herself and is always striving to be "the greatest" in all that she does. It's not really a competition between her and the other lionesses; in her mind, the only opponent she needs to gain the upper hand on is herself. If someone is better suited for a job, then let them take it. Aina is not easily offended -- at least, not by personal attacks. Then, there is the flip side to her. When threatened, or when her family is threatened, this light lioness takes on a very dark personality. She is not afraid to shed blood, and she can be downright terrifying with both her words and actions when placed in a hard spot. Aina is physically capable and, while she may not be able to take down a challenging lion, she will give them the beating of their life. She can become very revenge-driven and almost bloodthirsty. A real menace to society. Crush: Open Mate: None Cubs: None Kin Open, though any relatives would either be nomadic or from the Lishukula pride. Affiliations Lishukula lionesses- Open Other ![](https://i.postimg.cc/2SXDC9jY/growncubby2.jpg) Edited at August 2, 2022 11:10 PM by Mother
{ S H I V A } ![danger.jpg](https://i.postimg.cc/nrcR5DKF/danger.jpg) Credits to petra128 on DA Age: 4.5 Gender: Female Pride: Sangaya Rank: Huntress Desired Rank: Queen Thoughts on Lishukula Lionesses If liking them is what gets her in the king's good graces and increases her chances of moving up in the hierarchy, then so be it. She approves of these lionesses' ambition and is not opposed to their cause, though she is rather indifferent overall. It is irritating that there are more mouths to feed. Appearance Shiva is a lean, mean, fighting machine. She weighs in around 330 pounds and stands at 3.6 feet at the shoulder. With a more wiry, lithe physique, her skeleton and muscling are more visible than they would be on a stockier lioness. Shiva is in the middle weight range but definitely one of the taller lionesses. Her features are regal and refined, giving her a feminine look that is quite easy on the eyes. Soft, feathery fur covers her body in a sleek manner. Her coat is a light tan in coloration with honey undertones and cream shading on her underbelly; the insides of her legs; her cheeks, chin, and under her nose; and her chest, throat, and sides of her neck. Darker splashes outline skeletal structures and form faint striping on her legs. Her eyes are a typical amber-brown coloration, framed by thick eyelashes and black skin. They seem to constantly gleam with a menacing light in a manner that screams "run." This lioness carries herself with power and poise; her steps are light but firm, and she holds herself tall. Her hindquarters sport a few long gashes. Another scar is situated just underneath her right eye, and there are several bite marks and minor scratches from past battles on her legs and chest. She is a fighter, and she has had her fair share of experience. Personality Shiva has an extremely ambitious personality. She does not take kindly to competition, yet she strongly disapproves of those who do not want to improve their status. A stagnant lion or lioness is her least favorite kind to deal with. She has always wanted a leadership role, and while she has been loyal, it has never been a secret that she wants more power than she has. She is what one would call apathetic. With an attitude of "suck it up, buttercup," she is certainly not the most popular of lionesses at the moment, if ever. Shiva can be quite fun to be around in the right mood, but she has learned to push people away and this friendlier personality rarely rears its head. Shiva is, without a doubt, dangerous. Her loyalty is given carefully; she does not attach herself to others lightly. This lioness is not exactly friendly, either, and she doesn't pretend to be. She's calculating, icy cold, and focused on the future. Her mind is constantly spinning, formulating a new plot or mulling over new factors. Everyone is a pawn in her game. "Soft" lions are deemed useless. "Outgoing" lions can come off as ditsy. "Sassy" lions just piss her off. Shiva is one for rigidity and no excuses, regardless of the scenario; she takes everything for what it is and goes with the flow, shifting her plans and courses of action to take the alterations in stride. She is a more dominant animal, but she has everyone else in the pride to compete with. Despite what some may think, she does love and care for them. Fighting for power only to destroy what she actually cares about... is it worth it? Crush: None Mate: None Cubs: None Kin Open Affiliations Open Other: ![deadly.jpg](https://i.postimg.cc/mgFd0R9H/deadly.jpg)