Yeah I still don't trust them so if some of them start getting threatened by me that'll be why.
(hey uh, what your character name) so uh... you think we could try lifting up that rusted ship i pointed to earlier? we could try to fix it and get it to work so we can get to the place where scientists already built a barrier around.... Alaska!
(Ryan) I don't have any special abilities and that's like five times my size so I'm not sure if I could lift that.
oh, i can use my telekinesis for it, you know! (lifts it as if it were a feather) aha! ooooh, this looks pretty messed up... well we can fix that too! (snaps fingers and instantly fixes the entire hull of the rusted 3 football field long ship) aha! now this should work. ay! the propellers running! lets get on. (climbs on board with ryan)
You feeling ok? You've used your abilities a lot and this boat must have taken a lot out of you.
oh.... when i got da telekinesis it was going to be infinitely usable... i feel perfect
Ah. That explains why it's been used so much. So where's this scientist if they're still alive?
underground. literally inside the island. away from zombies.
We should go there so we're safe. We're kinda out in the open if you hadn't noticed.
yeah....... i should be able to track the underwater hatch with an anti water protocol that lets anything but water in. lemme see.......... y:4 x:12 z:48