[=` Sparrow Looked up seeing sparks and bits on the Warm Cool Grass, the trees we're as calm as the sea..Sparrow smiled as her head dashed up, she had a very strong Sent, as she Smelled a scent of three cats but..she couldn't Get the clan scent, sparrow Turned to her clan, as she shook her head wanting to Find out who we're those Cats..Clan cats from a different clan..she thought, as she slowly walked to where the scent was`=]
DarkHawk decided to hunt closer to the riverclan boarder hoping to get a drink from the stream wheil he was over there. As he was making his way the sent of squirrle caught in his nose, he looked around till he stopotted the small creacher among the grass. He stalked up to it but it got startaled and took off running. DarkHawk shot after it weaving aroud trees and bushes, he was headed twards the riverclan boarder. Luckly he cuaght it in his mouth right before it crossed over. He placed it down at his paws and let out a sigh, before he stalked back into the tree line and barried it. He walked back over to the small stream that seperated the two clans for a nice refreshing drink to cool him down in the hot summer weather.
[=` Sparrow Headed off to Riverclan boarder hoping Her clan mates We're Already there by Hunting Protols (I think i spelled that wrong lol) Sparrow Founded herself A wooden Seat To relax on.."Maybe..i should Take a break.." Sparrow thought, As she Leapep up Landing on The Wooden Seat, To relaxed her Paws And letted the Wind Summer Breeze Calm her down, She look up seeing a nice View From Here, Sparow's Stomuch Growled Of hunger, Sparrow hadn't aten in a long Time, due to her leader commands, and Other Stuff, Sparrow sighed as she got up and patted off. Sparrow made her way to the Riverclan boarder her faviore Place when she was a kit Sparrow Smiled, as she picked up other scent`=] |` hm..?`|
DarkHawk sat down and looked around, he knew he needed to go hunt more but there was some time to waist before he had to get straight to that. He looked around for a moment before he got up and waided into the water, though he didnt know how to swim he didnt mind the water on his paws as long as it didnt touch his belly he was ok. He did little circles in the water like a playfull kit for riverclan would. After he had cooled off a bit he walked out of the water and shook the water out of his fur sending small droplets out of his fluffy pelt. He walked over to sunning rock witch they had won back in a harsh fight a few moons before, he sprawled out and layed down on it letting the sun dry out his fur. He sat up partly as he heard some River clan cats on the other side of the large rock that he laid on. His ears laid flat against his head and he stood the rest of the way up making sure they didnt try anything.
"Spotted'star Patted out of his den..He heard Rommers of Shadow'clan being attack my Wind'clan a few Moons back..He Leaped on Top of his rock calling other meeting maybe for a gathering.." Sparrow Finally headed back to her camp her ears perked up as she saw lots of cats Sorrounding the leader's rock.."Clan Meeting already.." Sparrow Mumbled.. As she Looked for a spot to sit. As she heard "Fellow..Clan mates..Today We will be having a gathering at fourtrees I want 2 warriors to spred the news to all the clans" Sparrows ears Perked up, as she walked in fornt of the rock`=] |` I'll do it!..`| [=` She said with all her might, The deputy also Step up and and ofered to do it. As spotted star nodded and contuied "I want everyone on there best behavior!" spotted'star nodded to all the cats, as dirt'claw, and Sparrow headed off to Thunder'clan.`=]
[=`Sparrow finded her-self near thunder-clan Camp, she saw all the cats from apove, as she saw a small Tunel Going through Thunder-clan camp, Sparrow Walked in it seeing lots of cats, She gluped as she saw Two Large Cats Aproched her, Sparrow frozed for a second`=] |`..I-I Came To Say Our River clan Leader Wanted a gathering At sun-down!`| [=` Sparrow Seemed a bit worryed, as her Ear Pined down hoping they didn't attack sparrow..She Gulped once again`=]
DarkHawk waited for the Riverclan cats to walk off before he went back to hunting, he quickly caught a rabbit and another squirrle. He collected all his pray and headed back to camp. Everyone in camp was now up and walking around, as he walked in a few kits came running into him making him drop the prey that he was holding. They looked up fear in their eyes, "Sorry DarkHawk" They both cherped in small meows. He gave each of the kits a small lick on the head. "Its fine, just try to stay out from under my feet." He chuckled, amusment in his eyes. The two kits ran off back towards their mother. He watched them stubble a few times till they reached their mother. He picked up his pray and dropped it off at the pray pile. He picked out the rabit witch was still warm and freash and carried it over to the elders. As he was walking out of their den he picked up the scent of Riverclan, he qickened his pace, he was two riverclan cats standing in the clearing. He walked over to them curious. "What are you doing here?" Once they told him why they where there he nodded his head, "Ok SilverStar is out on patrol right now, but i will pass the message onto him, Is this for all clan members or just a clan leader meeting?" He asked looking around at all of his clan mates who where trying to find out what was going on. "I can show you to the boarder if you would like, i dont want any other clan treating our teritory like their own" He said with a stearn tone, he stood tall his tail lightly swishing back and forth, claws slightley out just in case they where about to get ambushed, or the other clan had some other reason to be here.
[=` Sparrow Looked up Seeing Other Large Cat Waled toword her, Sparrow sighed`=] |` I- uhm-..My leader sended me To Tell Al the Clans to have a gathering At sun-down`| [=` Sparrow Look Down at the Large Cat's Paws Seeing it Clawed out a bit, Sparrow Looked back up at the large Cat, Wondering if He was gonna attack our Not..Is He a deputy..Sparrow thought`=]
He looked at the shecat who was the one talking, he nodded his head leting his claws slighed back in feeling now that there was no threat. One of the she-cats in his clan walked up to him, looked him in the eyes, "Whats going on DarkHawk" She asked slightly brushing against him. DarkHawk took a step back from her, "Nothing yet, i will talk it over with SilverStar and let him tell the rest of the clan, Ok HollowWillow? I am going to take them back to the boarder to make sure they get off our teritory without any problems" He said stalking to the thorn tunnle that led out of Thunderclan camp he let the RiverClan cats go infront of him walking a few tail lenghts behind them. "Where fo you need to go? Back to your clan or one of the other clans?" He asked stopping to know witch direction to show them in.