
Nukka | F | Elder Nukka leaves the crowd outside the nursery. She walks around a bit and sees Skunk standing around. Nukka walks over to her. " what are you doing here? why didnt you go on the patrol earlier?"
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"I didn't know there was a patrol. I guess i missed it." She says and shrugs.

Taríll | F | Alphas Mate | Mentions: Elpida (ind), Nico (dir), Kodiak (dir), Hades (dir), open for interactions! - The young mother watched as one of her pups, Nico tumble over to her paws, "Hello little one. I am your mother, over there is your sister, she still seems to be asleep at the moment.". Taríll started to clean the bigger male pup as he rested on her front paws. The two pups were absolutely stunning- There was a rustling sound coming from the camp. Was the patrol back...? Lifting her nose the Alpha Female only smelt Kodiak, Hades, and...blood? Her ears perked up, who was hurt? Oh no- The female tensed, suddenly picking Nick up with her mouth and placing him next to his sister. " Stay here little one, I will be right back." Taríll started to walk to the exit and peeked out of the opening. Only to see Kodiak carrying a bloody furred..."Hades!" Taríll shrieked, moving as fast as she could until she reached the medics den. Her eyes darted back and forth from the two males, "W-What happened?" Taríll's eyes widened even more when she saw more blood trickling down her mates fur. "Kodiak, What in...What has happened to him?!".

(sorry i havnt been posting last few days) wendigo|M|Hunter|Mate:none(pm me if interested) wendigo had forgoten about the lurker he has been resting alot from his encounter and now he is ready to go hunting when it becomes the time to hunt when he hears someone yell "hades" and he bolts out and runs to the sound of the yelling "what happened to him!!!! is he okay!!!! Kodiak what happened!!!! wendigo was conserned for the alpha, if he dies Tarill will have a hard time raising Hades and Tarills pups he thought to himself" i ran as soon as i heard Tarrill yell the alphas name ughhh i should have went with kodiak and Hades maybe this wouldnt have happened!"

Skunk spies Hades as well, and she runs over to him. "What happened to you?" she asks woriedly.

Hades||M||alpha||Mentions: Kodiak (Dir) @Star (ind) @Ivy (ind) @pack (ind) He felt awful dizzy as wolves swarmed him, "D-did we kill it?" He asked drowsily as he felt his vision fade. His chest stung like hell as blood matted his fur, the doe elk had got him good. He felt pathetic for not paying attention to the hoof coming at him. He whined deeply as it made his whole body scream with pain, "Get up, you have a pack to take care of!" He screamed to himself in his head. He tried hard in order to wake up, he was only met by more darkness. "Don't let yourself die, Star or Ivy will help as soon as they can. Hold through." He demanded to himself as his body pressured more burning pain. Edited at October 10, 2023 01:16 AM by Lost Rune

Kodiak | M | Warrior " Yes sir we killed it." He turned to Tarill. " he went after an elk and got kicked in the chest." he ducked his head " Sorry I could not protect him. I could not to him in time." Edited at October 10, 2023 08:36 AM by TheSkeletalHuskyPack
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*Star sprinted to him and lashed her tail to get the others to move, then checked him and gave him something to help with the pain and gently picked him up, carrying him with surprising strength and carryed him to a comfortable bed and sat beside him, helping him heal and bandageing him up, but she seemed agitated*

Ivy|F|Herbalist|M: Star Hades Ivy saw the hunting party return, bringing a lumping Hades. Star, who was closer, raced over to help bring him to the herbs den. Ivy followed, ready to help. She sat next to Star, getting up to get herbs if needed and helping Star heal Hades.

*she gently nuzzled Hades and laid down, her tail positioned to act as a pillow if he want it, but she seemed exhausted, but was trying to hide it as she softly said* thank you Ivy Edited at October 10, 2023 09:53 AM by Star Tha AOD