
Shock nodded "no porblem, good luck with it !" he waved as he trotted out the tent and back towards scout

The hut smelled strongly of herbs making Adira's nose burn as soon as she stepped in, "hello? I've heard y'all wanted some glowing fish."

Rayne looked up and nodded, immediately taking the fish to the back while Rayne paid the newcomer. -Youve earned 10 pinecones- "Don't mind him, he's looking for a cure for the glowing fish. Anything else I can do for you today?"

"That's all!" She waved her paw and left

Adira returned to the herby smell of the Healer's Hut, "I have some more glowing fish!"

Rayne quickly takes the glowing Lobster and Flounder, taking them to the back to study while River pulled out payment. "Anything else you need, love?" -You've earned 10 ponecones-

"That is all," Adira smiled, leaving the hut.

Ocean starts to wake, feeling sore from not moving for a week

River looked up at Ocean as she moved and gasped. "Ocean! Youre finally up! You ate one of the mushrooms, you're lucky you were able to pull put of it." River helped Ocean to her feet with a small smile. "Come back if you feel sick anymore at all, but you should be right as rain now, maybe just take it easy today."

Thank you so much, I had no idea they weren't ok to eat! I definitely learned my lesson. I better go check in my room and see what all i missed!