
Marbel paused. Then she tried to speak. At first, all that came out was a strained, tiny grunt.

Alex Alex smiled and tapped see! Your voice, its coming back she said happily!

Marbel tried again. This time, she managed to get out a hoarse, raspy, "I-it is...?" She jumped excitedly.

Celestial/5/Team dog/Husky~ M: Charity Celestial spotted Charity and thought Could that be my sister.. I am imaging things right. She walked over to Charity and said "Hi how are you?" She was trying to make small talk. She looked around at the others curious and then said "Why are you by yourself?"

Alex Alex jumped in happiness and shock. Yay she said as her tail wagged excitedly.

Charity Charity shrugged and looked at Celestial. Then mumbles im not alone, were still hooked up.

Marbel's tail wagged. "It-it i-" She broke off with a cough, and then said more clearly, "It is!" . Mukluk looked at Dylan. "What's wrong?" he asked. The dog looked as if he was in pain.

Alex Alex's eyes widened as Marbels voice came in more clearly. It really is she said out loud! She then jumped excitedly. Dylan Dylan shook his head, nothing he said. His head then shot up when he could hear, Marbels voice?! He looked up then said, Marbels talking!

(Oof i didn't know they where hooked up TvT)

(XD i know but its ok XD)