
Commission for Damaska, credits go to me, art is theirs

I think this might be my best piece so far. I'm really happy on how the shading turned out. If anyone has tips I would love to hear them! (Credits go to me!)

Latest art piece. I used cinematography, my teachers would be proud. Kenya(White), Sandstorm(Dark brown) and Delta(Brindle) are all to the right or in the middle, showing that they are stable and ready for anything. Kenya is in the front, showing that she is the leader of the pack. Delta is behind Sandstorm, meek and shy but still strong and steady. Ash(Black) is to the left, showing that she is unstable, makes rash desisions and is uncertain. She is more in the corner as well, showing that she has no where to go and doesn't know what to do. All credits go to me!

Lineart for my adopt shop. I call it an EquusLupusAvis, meaning HorseWolfBird in Latin.

I am in love with your art <3 I might commission you again

Thank you! Thunder Struck said: I am in love with your art <3 I might commission you again

New art piece! I really like this one, mother Kenya and puppy Delta watching the sunset. Credits go to me!


Wolf head tutorial because I had nothing to do and maybe someone needed it. Credits go to me
