

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Qyu It definitely does! :0 I've been trying to commit more to personal artwork rather than only putting effort into commission pieces. Succeeded this time *^* I think that piece took somewhere between 3 and 4 hours! :D Thank you so much <333 Vah Absolutely thank you <33
Luna Thank you so much!! :D that means a lot! - Sneak peek of my next piece :D 

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Here's the finished version of the above! :D Annd of course the WIPs *^*  Edited at September 2, 2024 05:37 PM by Eternity

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Working on my boat load of commissions for AyukioCC that I've taken far too long on. [I love you Ayu, thank you for being patient LMAOOO] This is uhh 2/8? 2/7? Many many   An art piece for myself :D  Annnd a doodle of Xai as requested by chat LMAO  All mine :]

HELLO? That policemanmmh that colour grading is amazing what drugs did you inject into that piece??
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Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Polar Thank you!! :D it's a commission for Nevermore. from my commission auction! It's the first standard, humanoid fullbody I've done in a really long time. I've just really struggled with them but thought it was time I made myself do one. Thankful Nevermore gave me a super cool OC to pull it off with! :D I think the expression turned out pretty well eheh <33 Here's something for anyone who needs it. I also gave Pink Dawg a profile. 

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Took a walk through memory lane today, you can come on it with me. Here's some redraws of the same base from over the years, starting from 2018. I'm not sure the the exact date on some of these.   Annd here's my redraw from today :D 


Forum Moderator Darkseeker
Vah Thank you! :D I'm excited to break in my new base when I feel like doing some designs! :D In the mean time, here's a very lazy/sketchy revamp of Hadriel, an old OC of mine.  Another old OC, I've had him since I first made my toyhouse. He had some pretty complex lore and a lotta history that doesn't really work anymore. He's been on private for a good year or two now and I'm fiiinally ready to start working on him again as he was an OC I had a huge soft spot for.
