
I chose 'Neutral' because for one I hate to choose sides and secondly each situation I may encounter will require a different set of actions and Ichoose to deal with things on a case-by-case method rather than saying "Oh..this guy is bad so I won't help but this one is good so I'll help.". I wanna help based on situation.

I chose Neutral because I fit into neither side. I seek nothing from the Light or the Dark. I'm probably a pacifist.

I chose Neutral because this was my first account and because why start a conflict when you can chill and observe from the sidelines with a bag of popcorn? Besides, I find people who consciously chose Neutral easier to communicate with because they favor neither side, and aren't intent on starting Wolf War 3 for absolutely no reason.

I chose Neutral because my pack name wouldn't go with one side and plus I liked the idea of being a pack that has no side apart from itself Edited at February 27, 2023 02:06 AM by Ice and Shadow pack

I thought that I wanted to be an individual pack and that the neutral allegiance sounded cool I would maybe have chosen Darkseekers if not neutral

I chose neutral because I'm just here to collect shiny things to add to my hoarde XD Also, I don't like confrontation and I'm happy to let everyone else fight it out as long as they keep their drama away from me

I chose neutral because IRL I try to do so :)


I chose neutral because I'M chaotic neutral and I think I shouldn't be put into a box based on my choice. My pack can be as evil or as good as I want. They could be both! Neutral for the win!

I used to have an older, dark seeker account before I stopped playing for a few years and at the time, I thought it was kinda edgy, and also that most of the time I logged in, it was night time, so it made sense to me then. Now, it's a slightly more logical choice to go for a faction with constant boost since I play more frequently, and that my form of neutrality has developed more towards impartiality rather than hesitance (how some packs seem to view neutrality) since I think it's important to uphold values rather than feelings in some cases. For my final point, I also think that the neutrals having a splotch of grey for an icon was funny (unless I'm blind and it's something else), so why not :D