
I... temporarily forgot my twin was supposed to be in an arranged marriage and in an affair with a servant girl and decided to go wild with him... It's okay, it's okay, I can still save this with his backstory XD

My characters should have some progress tomorrow >.<

I'm actually so happy because I alreadyn feel connected to Neo and I never feel connected to my new characters :D and he and his twin are going to hate each other I think XD

Ah, I haven't read Neo’s personality because I wanted to get as much as I could done in case my motivation left me again lol But now I'm sad - I don't want them to hate eachother ><

Maybe they'll figure out a wary agreement :0 especially if your boyo hates Lindon, cause Neo definately does

Okay, I finished Ace's backstory just now so all I have to do is complete his personality and strengths/weaknesses. But before I do that ima go finish reading Neo’s sheet and also re-read Lindon just so I can know what I'm working with lol

Lmaooo nice :0 I'll probably go snoop around in his sheet hehe

Wait, why did you say he dislikes his siblings? I believe Rosaline(his little sister) would adore, respect and look up to him. . Anyways, I can't speak for Neo but Ace wouldn't hate him. Right now, Ace is still very lost and struggling with his identity so he doesn't really have the time to hate others lol If anything, Ace will secretly protect and take care of Neo. Like if he noticed Neo forgot to eat or if the day was hot and he hadn't gotten himself a drink yet, food or water will just... show up(courtesy of Ace obviously).

He doesn't like Lindon because Lindon is kind of a stuck-up priss lol. i only skimmed Rosaline's sheet, so that could definately change for them :D --- As much as Neo says he dislikes arrogance, he doesn't like dirty people lol. he has a lot of internalized arrogance >.> However, he's starting to realise it, so maybe they'd kind of get along? Especially if there's a mutual dislike of big brother lmao

Yeah, I get why he would dislike Lindon, I just didn't know why he wouldn't like Rosaline(besides the fact she can he prideful like any other princess. But she's really not bad other than that. Atleast in my opinion) . I'm honestly not sure how he would feel about Lindon. He would probably either just kinda... stay away from him, or full on dislike him. But I'm not totally sure. I guess we'll just have to see how the twins work out lol