
I'm excited. We love starting a new rp

I just realized I was subscribed to OP and not the RP thread in general. I never even thought to check if y'all were replying, I just assumed my GM would notify me. 🤦♀️
I've got it fixed now, so you should be seeing me more often lol.

Oh, I did that a few months back and I had no mail and the RP had around 8 pages without me knowing. XD

Lmao, I'm so lucky you posted, otherwise I never would have realized I have like, 3 characters talking to mine right now.
I'm writing my response now, should be up relatively soon ^^


Welp, apparently soon translates to almost an hour for me. Man I am such a slow writer.
Tarn is such a cool character, mine hasn't even talked to him yet but I lalready love him so much >w<

You're fine! I've done the same thing on several posts. Only reason why Tarn was done in about 30 minutes is because I know archery. Thank you! I love him too and when I read that your character was practically a faun I freaked. I'm a huge greek mythology nerd :)

Ayyye! I'm so happy to see that you recognize it, I'm a huge fan of mythology as well! Expecially Greek, I think that was the one class I had in middle school that I actually loved outside of art.
I used to do archery for a little bit. I even own a bow. But my arms are noodles and the one my parents bought for me was too difficult to use, so I sort of lost interest once my school moved past that section of the sports :'D Edited at April 4, 2022 11:29 PM by Ellyllon

My favorite is greek too. Roman just seems like a cheap rip-off brand. My favorite goddess is Artemis from a young age. I love Odesseus' story and of course, Argos. Argos is both the titan, the dog and a city. I also like Icarus and Daedalus and every story connected to the Minotaur in any way. How about you?
My arms are also very noodly and my left one is especially weak. I shoot lefthanded and a recurve like Tarn. Unlike Tarn, I pull a mere 15 pounds. Other people are pull 20, 25 and 30 lb. However, it's not about your strength. It's about your aim. Edited at April 4, 2022 11:36 PM by Argos

Honestly, I just love Greek Mythology as a whole. They just made their stories so damn entertaining somehow, I don't think I've read one that I haven't liked.
Some of the more memorable ones for me are Persephone's Abuduction (which for some reason keeps coming back to me because I constantly defend how Hades is one of the very few gods that's actually somewhat decent), then of course you have the Oddessy, and for some reason Melankomas is one that I can't really forget either. Probably because it was just so bizzare, lol.
As for a favorite god... I think Artemis was always my favorite as well. She loved animals and she was kinder to the mortals than most of the other gods bothered. Dionysus was also one I really liked, both for everything he stands for and the way everyone portrays him in both literature and cinema.
For some reason I just feel like he'd be a really fun guy. Screw the myths, he's great in my books XD Edited at April 4, 2022 11:50 PM by Ellyllon