
Don't worry your health and job is a lot more important than a Rp. Also I updated my bio/sign up so now everyone can see what my creature looks like hopefully

Sunset Ghosts said: Lol I'm sorry guys, I worked 12 days in a row and then got a day off so I promptly got drunk with my husband and crashed last night XD and it's back to work tomorrow but I'll be around today and hopefully things are calming down a bit so I can be on at least nightly again
12 days? Sounds horrible- jeez you deserved that break big time.

Sunset Ghosts said: Lol I'm sorry guys, I worked 12 days in a row and then got a day off so I promptly got drunk with my husband and crashed last night XD and it's back to work tomorrow but I'll be around today and hopefully things are calming down a bit so I can be on at least nightly again
12 days in a row? Geez, I'd be out of commission for like a week. Always take care of yourself first. If anything, it gives us more time to plan things.

That would be AWESOME The Night Walker said: It worked! xD . Also could inn residents set up a part-time shop in their room? I just had a thought about Zyyrith selling accessories people could wear like pins or things people could put up in their room like paintings?
- Pit, Don't worry about us, take your time ^^

If you guys would like to plan things for the room shops while I'm gone, I'll figure out how to implement your ideas when I get back on Monday!

Ooh :0 time to brain storm lol


If you'd like, an example of how a sale Interaction would go would be helpful

Sunset Ghosts said: If you'd like, an example of how a sale Interaction would go would be helpful
I think once somebody decides to have a room store they could get an open/closed sign from Torka or make one. If theyre open the buyer knocks on the door and seller will either invite them in or chat at the door. Buyer checks out the items and buys what they choose. Seller can price their items however they want. Most importantly I think a seperate forum should be made for the shop thats linked with their room! Edited at September 21, 2024 07:47 PM by The Night Walker

I think that's a good idea. The Open/Closed sign could be a link in your inventory section of the inn that brings you to the shop forum