


Woof. sorry, seems like my activity is gonna be a little spotty for the forseeable future, but for the record, I'm also still interested in this! it doesn't look like spellbound is present, though, so? should we go back to a 1x1x1?

It seems like that might be best, yeah.

Yeah, I'd love to get this going :)

alright! in that case, i think that we wanted to do a mix of froggington's gang and a god and puppeteer concepts, yeah?

Yes indeed, I think that would be a very intereting roleplay.

okay, awesome! i feel a bit bad for how slow this roleplay's been coming along, so i'll try to talk a bit more a bit more often ;; but, err, in terms of the roleplay concept we've got now, i assume we want to combine the two concepts? i'm always in favor of roleplays set in modern times, but if we want to do medieval to make room for the puppeteer concept, i'm all good with that ^^

I do think a medieval setting would be best for the puppeteer concept, yes. We can do fantasy medieval, which should leave more room for making characters.

Did we discuss how we would connect those two together? Modern times could work, it'd just be more awkward, and we'd still want it to be fantasy for flexibility