
Poor scout xD first we scared her crush from the inn and now she has to wait a week
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XD YES Not Debbie said: do I hear wedding bells?

Also I had like 27 notifications, so... :3

Rogue Wildfires said: XD YES Not Debbie said: do I hear wedding bells?
PLEASE I want so bad. I will make it effect EVERYTHING, there will be quests for bouquets and wedding decorations and food and Torka will happily host weddings in the inn!

I would like to make a new game mode that you can opt into! It's called "Optionless" basically, every quest will function like Evan setting up camp right now, where I describe where ypu are and what happens, but it's ENTIRELY up to you what you do. I won't provide you any options.

Optionless Gamemode had been added to the mechanics page and you can now opt into it if you'd like to just by telling me here in the Discussion Board!

Awesome! I'm going to wait to try it out though lol I don't think it's a good idea to try the quest Rocs is on with optionless lol
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No worries, and yea you'll be able to opt back out any time if needed lol

