
Oh yeah I can start working on another post tomorrow if you'd like to move things along some more!! Also congrats Nirvana!! :)

Post is up, I accidentally exited out of the page while trying to edit it once 😭

That's so frustrating when that happens omg lol I hate when it happens and I didn't have it copied or written elsewhere XD

Yeah!! Luckily I had the main copy on a google doc but I still had to redo some stuff lmaooo 😔 Powered through though, it could've been worse

ahh so scary. I have lost so many posts and writing that way >.<

How is everyone doing? Also what are we thinking about for our grand heist scheme? Are we supposed to move from their first planning stage or is that scene still going? I was a little confused by the most recent posts

Oh yeah I was intending for it to still be at the planning stage!! Also doing good :) Edited at August 7, 2024 06:47 PM by silhouetteissleepy

sorry that was my bad lol! i wasn't sure if they were staying in the church or not

All good!! :) Looking back I did word the last part a bit confusingly so I get it

i'll go back and delete the last part so it doesn't get confusing lol