

Just on a lunch, can't put out any replies but I wanted to help out the person wanting to join while I had a chance ^^

Do I post first in the Decaying Sea or do you?

I'll put your setup in the Decaying Sea as soon as I get off work, sorry for the delay!

Or you can do what Adira is doing now and set yourself up if you'd like. ^^

Mmm not helpful to the current situation but Torka is very much like a mom to Zyyrith-

Aww! That's really adorable!

Rocky is going fishing , getting food then going to go pass out and take a nap lol I don't think he ever actually been in his room before xD
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I'm not sure if I've ever explained this before. Once you complete 3 quests for Yore, you'll be able to post your own taming quest for a targeted tiny or small creature. After 5 you'll be able to post a taming quest for large creatures. After 7 you'll be able to go for mystics And after 10 you'll be able to target taming draconics If this is something that interests you, be sure to keep it in mind as you tame wild creatures you find. The caps are as follows. Tiny - UNLIMITED Small - Up to 3 Large - Up to 3 Mystic - Only 2 Draconic - Only 1! Yes, you can only tame 1 Draconic at once! If you've Tamed a draconic and go on a draconic taming quest, it's very likely that the new dragon will kill your current pet or at the very least cause them to flee back into wherever you found them in the forest. Please let me know if you have any questions about what creatures are in what teir.

Yeah I don't think I remember seeing that before that's so cool! It definitely adds a fun element to doing quests in general :)
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