
No worries ^^ hiatuses are always welcome, just Maybe make a note of where you are so I don't have to go searching if it's gonna be a long time. But I don't really mind searching either

Anyone have any suggestions for Glowmire?

What about things could happen to NPCs while the players are away. Ex: no one's at scouts forge so they are at the inn getting food and if someone goes to the inn they can see Torka and scout.

That's actually a really nice detail, also is Glowmire back up and running again?

Yep! As much as possible I've been checking and replying and I am slowly starting to feel better. I woke up this morning feeling like a human again ^^ And I love that idea! I'll definitely try to implement that!


Sunset Ghosts said: Yep! As much as possible I've been checking and replying and I am slowly starting to feel better. I woke up this morning feeling like a human again ^^ And I love that idea! I'll definitely try to implement that!
I hadn't hadn't postimg as Zyyrith much just so you wouldn't have to feel the need to reply- I'll get back into Glowmire! Hope you stay feeling well :]

We'll be glad to have you back! Yea I think I can manage everything, but I may only be checking once or twice everyday for a while.

I think you forgot to add my mush after the quest was over

Adira will have to give it to you, it's up to her whether she'll give it to you or try to withhold it, but if you report it stolen to Yore he will reimburse you and refuse quests from the theif