
okay, i don't think that's a denial of anything?? so, err. since i don't think froggington nor spellbound turned down any plots (unless you two would like to, which there is still time for) and it's best to trim the competition a little bit, we'll go by freedom's list, i think?? best to go by shared favorites, anyhow, so nobody is particularly neutral about whatever gets chosen. anyhow, ignoring the ones that are my own since i'd obviously like those, i think i'm partial to the gang and a god roleplay :') there is a lot of room to develop, and mold and shape to plot and lore to wherever we want it to go and the plot fundamentally has a very homey feel to it, which i enjoy.

I really like the god and a gang one too. We'd have to decide who's the god, of course. But it can fit into any seting, so we can do it modern, medieval, 1980s, whatever. And plenty of room for al kind of characters.

I like the puppeteer as a concept, but I feel like it'd be hard to roleplay. I have no idea how to narrow it down guys. They all are interesting

Heck, we could do God and a Gang within a setting the includes the puppeteer concept.

You're right we could O.o I haven't set time to think about this >.<

yeah, that could work! if spellbound also approves, we could probably do that one in order to make things easier in terms of pinning one down to do :)

Excellent, sounds like a plan! Unless Spellbound objects. Those two plots would be very easy to tie together if we wanted to.

... ah, has anyone seen spellbound recently, by any chance?

I have not. According to their thingy they were on yesterday
