
Sophisticate said: Notice for y'all: My responses will be short[er] and/or infrequent, due to a baby shower and a family reunion coming up I should be able to occasionally post though

@Spell Thank you. I put it up on the first page so I don't forget lol.

Welp I forgot ;-; Thanks ^^
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I'm posting Loni next.. But I'm trying to figure out what to do with her instead of being creepy and watching everyone..

i've looked through the posts on the RP thread but just making sure, I think im waiting on replies for Rune correct?

_Moonshadow_ said: i've looked through the posts on the RP thread but just making sure, I think im waiting on replies for Rune correct?
yup. I'm giving Sophesticate tomorrow to post to respond to Malakai. AFter that then I'm moving on. And I'm deciding for Loni to just go to the beach and be a weirdo

Thanks Bewitched ^^ I'll get to writing it up soon
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I hope this roleplay does not become sleepy

Yeah Nirvana_Sky said: I hope this roleplay does not become sleepy

I'm waiting for responses from the prisoners and omegas and fhen I will post Rune again Nirvana_Sky said: I hope this roleplay does not become sleepy