
Bean I think there should be cameraas in the room to "Watch them" but it'll just add an extra level of difficulty for them to get around
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Air vents are like the default escape route in like everywhere so it was just a suggestion lmao I guess they could just fight their way out. But that's risky
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I'll probably make a sketch of each cell so we can get an idea of where things are Edited at December 3, 2024 02:34 PM by Graywing
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That's a good idea too, for sure.
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I think the kids may be subjected to some kind of training since the scientists' goal is to use them as weapons. To do that, I think they would need to take them to some kind of training field or arena outside the facility where they are being held. Maybe they can take advantage of that somehow to escape? What do you think? Edited at December 3, 2024 05:14 PM by Northwest Wind Pack

A 'distraction' of a sort could also be an option- possibly something to the effect of a spilled, combustible material causing an alarm to go off, or something lab-y to that extent? Mostly building off Northwest's suggestion, but for a group of children I'd be a tad bit surprised if they could fight their way out, (not that that's entirely unrealistic, though! I suppose they are, as to quote, weapons haha.) Being in a lab, there may be maintenance tunnels/passageways that kids who've lasted longer have heard/seen hints of, as well? I do love the ideas so far, I just thought I'd add to the conversation.

Air vents probably aren't the greatest idea if I'm being dead honest, it's not that easy despite they're children and can shift I guess lol I agree the distraction of sort would work, makes sense. How would they have figured out about the tunnels though? Edited at December 3, 2024 09:45 PM by Boeing
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Good point! While I'm not quite sure as of current, possibly some kids may have seen maintenance workers leaving passageways, or possibly had managed to get their hands on a map, or something to that extent. Distraction is the most likely for children though I would guess!

Well, there's a plan. If say the ones who have been there the longest know about the tunnels (say an old chemical leak or whatnot had the entire thing evacuated for a bit and they went through said old tunnels) they have others make a distraction and slowly pick up others along the way through secret entrances into the tunnels and then escape and viola. Or something I have no idea.
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I guess it wouldn't be easy and at some point they would have to fight to escape, taking advantage of their ability of turning into wolves, although some of them might not be used to it and it would be a bit harder for them to defeat the guards. It could also be that the facility is surrounded by forest and there are more guards watching outside, who will look for them once they leave the building, until they finally manage to leave the forest and get close enough to civilization where the guards and scientists would have to give up the search so as not to raise suspicions. What do you think?