
Yeah, its part of the experience though! As you write you tend to pick stuff up from your peers and grow. Be it through just the length of a post, being able to make a more detailed character, or even something simple such as gaining a larger vocabulary! ~ I've been on here for almost two and a half years, and honestly it's an experience. xD But I've grown much from where I first started. I mean I read something from seven months ago and I can see changes, such as my writing style becoming more... Expressive, I guess? [Not sure if this is the right word.] My literacy got better too. ~ Just takes time and practice like all things. Edited at February 17, 2021 08:11 PM by Demonoid Phenomenon

Yeah, in 2 months I went from writing 10 word sentances to 150-400 words each post, and I know a lot more words. The first form I tried to get into a literate RP and my biggest paragraphs were 5 sentances.

I know right! It's crazy how exponential your sentence rate is! Mine started at around twenty, then I just kept trying to push it. Now on a bad day, I can yeet out two to three hundred! On good days where I'm giving it 100 percent, and I got enough stuff to work with, I can sometimes make it to 1,000 words. ~ It really kills my brain cells doing so, but you get the point. I average out at around 600 words on most occasions. Edited at February 17, 2021 08:20 PM by Demonoid Phenomenon

Or maybe I'm just talkative?

Being talkitive int RPs are good! Rather be save then sorry! Wow, that is a lot of words, the most I get is 400 and I mostly do 100. The form I just submitted might have been 500, it was a lot but I was really exited and I wanted to be accepted. I want to be a writer so doing RPs really helps me with new words and how other people do it and how it will help me in my books.


Frank~ Just curious, around how many more people are needed to start?

I'm not sure, on the second post it shows how many characters are in the RP and reserved, I have only had this up for 2 days and we have nine characters already so I will wait one more day before I start the RP thread. Edited at February 18, 2021 08:20 AM by Frank's Wolf Pack

Nevermind, I can't wait for tomarow. {Wild Canines} has a form to submit and I am reserving beta male for someone else, when those are in I will start the RP thread.

Yay! <3 Frank's Wolf Pack said: Nevermind, I can't wait for tomarow. {Wild Canines} has a form to submit and I am reserving beta male for someone else, when those are in I will start the RP thread.
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