
Oh my gosh, that's gold XD

Cal: "Hey, Axel, can you help me out with something?" Axel: "Sorry, I'm kinda busy with Aries right now..." Cal: "Oh that's okay! Can't you just divide yourself up?" Axel: Cal: Axel: "Excuse me?" Cal: "Didn't you say you were asexual...?" Axel: "... Ethan can explain this to you later."

Oh my god, yesss --- Later Cal: "Uh... E, Axel told me that you were gonna explain something to me?" Ethan: "No. I've given up. You are a lost cause." Cal: "BuT EeEeE! :'("

God, Cal would be so sad and go complaining to Leroy. The poor guy just doesn't know anything but straight, gay, and trans.

Poor Cal XD Leroy would just roll his eyes, sit this idiot down, and flat out explain every sexuality that he knew to save himself from future complaints, lmao

That would be so wholesome though- Axel and Cal would just talk about sexualities, Cal would understand none of it, and just ask Leroy later.

Oh my gosh, wait, this is canon now, it's too precious!

Leroy: "This is the third time this week Cal, what is it now?" Cal: "E called me a closet dweller! I need to know what it means so I can insult him back!"

Leroy: "Jesus christ, man! Okay. You're gay as fuck, and you refuse to come out. You're hiding in the metaphorical closet." Cal(in a very small, confused voice): "I'm gay?"

Cal: "B-But I like girls!" Leroy(losing it): "Because you're probably bi, you idiot!!" Cal(horrified): "I'm a bicycle?!"