
Oh okay :0 I've got two ideas for a leader so now I just gotta decide which one I wanna go with. And thanks!

yeah Ima be honest: I will probably only have small descriptions for my characters just since I have very little motivation for that and I am always bad at them anyways i am excited to see who you pick Roaw!! :D

@Roaw Can't wait to see what you come up with! - @Determined I probaly won't have very big descriptions for my characters either (except Ollie and Roxie) so you guys can make em as big as you want as long as theres at least a general idea of them. If you guys want we can post our characters here and I'll pin them. I'm also going to make a post with the maps and stuff to pin as well

Okay I will work on that tomorrow!! I have to work a bit tonight so maybe not tonight but we will see!! :D

Oki! I'll try posting my characters within the next few days ^^

I'm free this weekend so if y'all want to start your character sheets I'll be able to sort and organize everything. If you guys are busy though its fine! Edited at November 18, 2022 04:38 PM by Black_Sand

I think I'll have time, I've gotten started on my new characters already so hopefully I can get them out tomorrow! As far as I know I have nothing to do this weekend apart from people maybe coming to look at my horse :/

I have a lot of stuff on Sunday but I should be mostly free on Saturday? Hopefully I can get things done then!!

@Roaw Aight, that would work! And oo, you have a horse? Whats their name? :o - @Determined That would be great! I'll get my character sheets out soon as well.

His show name is Browns Boyo but I call him Boyne heh, so he has an old man's name but I refused to call him like Boy or something because I swear to god like 90% of grey horses imported from Ireland are called either Star or Boy and there's a lot of Irish import horses in southern Sweden where I live. Also, don't fact check me because it could be wrong but apparently Bojne is supposed to mean "White Cow" in Irish and I thought that was funny so I just changed the J to Y to keep it more like his show name