
@Arrest Me Bassy might actually be able to get a Blessing at some point, if he is willing to and you wanna! before the destruction of the past, gods often made contracts with mortals (usually their own creations) where they'd give mortals Blessings in exchange for some sort of cost/deal (such as taking half of that mortal's lifespan or something) and that mortal doing certain services for them. UG (Ultimate God) kept the number of contracts made under control, limiting weaker gods to only 5 total contracts per few centuries and more powerful gods to 10 total contracts so no one god got too powerful, but now that UG's gone, the gods can make as many contracts as they want, pretty much. the only thing stopping gods right now from making thousands upon thousands of contracts is because it'd sacrifice too much of their power and they're barely keeping things together as is. think of it like interest: you whack money in the bank, you get money back over a certain period of time. when a god makes a contract, they give their power to the mortal, and the mortal gives them that power back and then some. but, yeah, right now, the gods aren't able to make contracts because they don't have enough power and they need all the shit they can get. but later on, when they're more powerful, i think they'll be able to make contracts.

the most the gods can do as of the moment is help someone along, or "sponsor" someone, which is to say they kind of just. well. do shit in exchange for some favors. yeah. and when they do this, they're called "patron gods" and stuff.
take it from here, omega, i cannot brain.

i shall <3. i'll most likely get back to you on this when like i'm done with Sage's sheet. i probably will be FINALLY finished with him tomorrow-- hopefully. hopefully. if i don't procrastinate too long-- Overthink101 said: Ha, well- If you ever decide Finley could end up working, or have something in mind and just need me to change him up a bit in order to truly make him fit then just let me know. His ability is one of my favorites too.

yeah, a character will only get sponsored by a god that takes interest in them. like, bass def won't get any interest from peace-loving gods, but a fucker who loves guns or the cop aesthetic probably would. the character would have to do something to pique someone's interest in order to get the interest of a possible patron, and then the god would eventually contact them and initiate a contract if need be where the character would do things the god asks of them in exchange for extra power, blah blah blah. me and asp haven't actually gotten to making any of the gods yet, so we're not sure who exists and what type of characters they'd be interested in (and a lot wouldn't be interested in sponsoring at all), but if ya'll have any ideas, you're free to offer. characters without blessings aren't the only ones who can get sponsored, by the way! those with can also have one. gods can probably also give perks to characters without there being a contract if it's just a one-time deal, but yeah. you can make deals with gods.

see people. we're so good with our lore. A++++ lore here. lore masters.

Indeed, I dub thee the gods of lore. Though, that's very interesting! I doubt Victor would get sponsored by a god lmao, if one of the gods for some reason tried to give him a blessing (a very stupid decision), he'd probably just death glare at them until they slowly gave up and retreated.

I love Ashara's role thank you loves

@pluto LOLOL that sounds like him--
@xuan <33333. it took TIAPN and i 3 seconds to come up with it LMAOOO

oh, does anyone have any ideas as to how to start? i know that the people who aren't waitlisted will be in the cafe that Sasha is in, and i think the RP starts right as the world goes to fuck-all, but i don't know where to go from there LOLOL

@pluto i very much enjoy the image of victor scaring off the gods with his sheer vibes alone. ooh, and also, new character? big flirts are interessting. i do wonder how he'll interact with characters he can't flirt with, like sasha or kage. big question about characters with only one focus is how they'd deal with shit outside of that focus. @xuan i'm glad you like it, dude <3 we did not think very hard about it at all @asp bro you could've asked me about that. the intro says sasha makes her speech and does her choosing and then the world goes to shti after that, so the immediate focus would probably be damage control. like, the "monsters" would start getting summoned in and their initial reaction would be high confusion, so there'd wind up being a lot of destruction, which would probably mean some big-ass creature slams into the cafe and causes it to collapse and they all have to escape and deal with the danger outside. sasha was right so they'd probably all try to stick to her (if they're thinking straight enough to realize it; i know cain would probably try to grab her first and escape with her because she's a young kid without parents and the building is fucking collapsing) and then they'd just have to try to avoid getting mauled by the monsters outside while they collect themselves. maybe try to save more people from getting killed. the weather might go fucked-up too depending, though which weather it'd switch to idk. uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh yeah