
WOW! Awesome dream Freedom!! Given that I haven't drawn the map yet, we could have some deserts. Deserts are fun. Would Colotte be jealous that her goose-nerd-buddy had a new friend? Maybe, maybe...

My dumbass saw the notification but never actually checked the thread. Bruh, I wish I had dreams like that still. Nowadays I stay up until 2'oClock in the morning and pass out exhausted. If I ever do dream I sure as heck don't remember them, lol.
I think my most vivid ones are the generic ones though. But I haven't had one in a while. You know like: When you fall off a building and wake up when you hit the ground, or when you forget there's an extra step on the stairs, and the lurch your heart makes shoots you wide awake. Edited at April 21, 2022 07:39 PM by Ellyllon

I'm wondering if we should go ahead and start. It doesn't seem like we'll be getting anyone new at this point

Okay guys! I'm going to finish my guy's form as soon as I get to feeling better. I'm pretty sickly and miserable so I don't have that much motivation... to do anything, really,

I'm not against starting. The only people we're missing are soliders, correct? We could simply control the two unused ones as NPCs for now and hand them over to a player when they sign up, or leave with the two guards we have and meet up with the other two later.
Might sign up with another solider just to fill a bit, depends on if my motivation gets completely sapped today or not. Edited at April 27, 2022 12:21 PM by Ellyllon

I'm alright with it too. But Valinyx, I hope you don't mind that Bantam will be flirting relentlessly with Jackie since she's, you know, the only hen around his age in the entire group :)

Lmaooo I forgot about that. Poor Alarics gonna be trapped trying to support his friend but also respect his senior officer XD
Ahhhh- Everytime I start to push this out of my mind, you guys talk about your characters and my brain goes haywire imagining all the senerios these five/six Are going to get into.

Oh goodness- I don't mind but I can't say that Jackie won't haha This is gonna be so amusing to see :) --- Can't wait for this to start ;w;

If I am reminded one of us tomorrow evening might make the thread. I'm glad y'all are excited!

Ahhh I wish I could find the motivation to finish my form~ Oh geez, I'm feeling miserable right now