
I have exams coming up too sadly TvT

Nikki Afton said: Sorry guys i have been busy today my dog had a prevet prolaspe even though she is spayed...She is fine just on meds and wearing a cone also hoping it doesn't get imflammed more . I won't be able to do this role play for a bit sorry!
Oh my gosh, that's okay. We will be here when you come back. Hope she recovers quickly. :)

Carnage Awww adorable .. <3 I am going to steal him <3 Firefox Aww no, hope it all pays off, Good luck even though you probably don't need it :) I would recommend doing little breaks between revision sessions at home doing things like going out for a walk or whatever makes you calm.

Nikki Afton said: I have exams coming up too sadly TvT
Also good luck even though you probably don't need and again in revision breaks,do things that calm you so you dint get that stressed out.

I know I said I'd get an rp reply out but I can't right now- Edited at April 23, 2022 12:17 AM by Firefox

So aight, I may not be active in the rp for atleast 2+ days- I have been informed that finals week is soon and I'm super stressed and I need to start studying- Atleast half my teachers crammed in 3+ assignments all at once, I'm failing a class so I have to get my grade up- so if I don't post for a few days thats why- although I'll try my best to stay active. ;-; Edited at April 23, 2022 12:16 AM by Firefox

No worries! Take care of yourself - you'll be missed in the meantime ^^

Im pup sitting let me just say i didn't think there would be so much work TvT

Can someoe be the wolf in Zena who need Ava's help TvT

I would be but my only character in the Zena Pack is Roscoe