
I forgot I had this art piece of a Dragon OC of mine.

Spell, Very very pretty. I honestly need to get something done for Sprout just cause she's so adorable.

@Imp I might make that Suada's appearance. And yes, Sprout needs all the art because she sounds like a cutie *^* Also, did you see my DM about her and Suada?

I honestly probably didn't. xD I'm not very good about reading and then actually responding to DMs. Spellbound said: @Imp I might make that Suada's appearance. And yes, Sprout needs all the art because she sounds like a cutie *^* Also, did you see my DM about her and Suada?

Ah. I was just asking about the possibility of her and Suada being a Rider Pair. And I was saying that I'd think Suada would have a soft spot for her.

Oh!! Oh! I did get that one! I am so sorry I thought I replied. I actually plan on doing what I did last time and randomly generating the pairs. ^^' I know it's a bit hectic, but I like the idea because it can create more drama and stuff.

Ah. Gotcha. Damn, I had some planned Rider and Dragon Pairs :,). However, I'm interested to seeing who I get this time.

Requests and Suggestions are always Welcome ^^ I just won't promise anything. I want people happy, but I also want Chaos >] So Pm them to me [that goes for everyone].


Rad Chad. Anyway. Kavik and Deirdre are back, and I added a newbie. All open for affiliations