
Sorry I haven't posted yet, I'll hopefully do it today though ^^

That's fun, how are you Maxaw?

Maxaw lol Anyway, I'm okay Sir Crepe. Went to a bridal shower for one of my soon to be cousin-in-laws. Ended up watching Doctor Who with my sister-in-law XD What about you? Edited at June 6, 2022 04:58 PM by FancyPants

Tales of Pawprints Thank you! Might make them today as I have free time but maybe not school might get in the way I'm only still home due to having covid but have to do some online work if I feel I can do if ;D ......... I'm over here just loving Links fascination to bugs and everything that moves one of my old kittens used to do that and had around Links personality so yeah that's where I got it from :D

I will be posting today (hopefully) I've been super busy with real life stuff and finally have myself grounded haha. Is there going to be a new prompt anytime soon?
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Checking on the RP now , let's see

I'm just waiting for Jelly to reply so I can reply to everyone who has mentioned my characters ^^

Haha I'm sorry! I'm writing up something now!
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Nice, no problem Jelly :) thanks though. How are you?

Come on y’all let’s keep this RP alive >:ooo (Even tho I was the one who didn’t post for like a few days... xD)