
OOhhhh, you are so right. Raptors should totally be a problem

Yeah, since geese are swapped in for horses I was curious what other birds were in this universe. I was almost thinking like every terrestrial animal is a bird of some kind xD We can leave bugs, fish, or anything the chickens might eat alone though.

I totally forgot about bird of prey, and I have chickens *shaking my head* Did you have ideas for substitutes for terestial animals?

Geese: beasts of burden Swans: Horses?? (because they're geese but more graceful) Cranes/herons: airplanes/ships Smaller birds: Pets or pet like animals, can also stand on in for other small animals Raptors: Predators of chickens/smaller birds Penguins: aquatic vertebrates other than fish Birds similar to chickens such as turkeys or pheasants: can be other humanoid species or other races

Oooh, I like that about swans. That's cool XD. I'm not sure what to do about the sign up to let some new blood in. It says closed so I feel like it'd get even less attention. I guess I should create a new one, but I want people to know it's not a total reboot.

I'd probably create a whole new sign up thread, maybe include something along the lines of "second draft" as in you're recruiting new players to the RP. Specify that you'd be entering a RP that has already begun. People have definitely done that before!

Okay, cool. Thanks for the affirmation. Should I have them replace characters and then we pretend the first ones never existed or maybe these are new characters and we think of a reason for them to come along? and the inactive characters become NPC or we have them go to the bathroom in the woods and never return

The former although sad :( would allow for a smoother transition. Has Ellylon updated either you or Argos on their status?

I have not heard from Ellylon and I pmed them at one point

Actually maybe I pmed Valk not Ellylon, because Ellyon hasn't been on in a while and the person I pmed had been on WP at some point