
I'm alive but barely TvT
Sooo dude still hasn't shown up, he posting on his stories that he's in Spain through with two horses, just riding around and enjoying the sun :)) So this week we said fuck it and sent two off his three horses back and I'd guess that if he doesn't show up in another couple of weeks, the last one goes also
How are you?

yayyy glad youre alive! :D oh fuuun- hopefully he comes soon so you dont have to but that sounds insane I'm alright just working on lots of stuff and finally taking a short break although I am very sleepy

I'll be honest, yesterday I was very close to being not alive, I was so tired and stressed... One rider is sick and the other two were at show which left me and one other guy with about 40 ish horses to take out plus there came two new ones in the afternoon right when one rider came back and then right at feeding time the boss wanted to see those two ridden so we had to wait with feeding and then stress feed all the horses super fast once he was gone and ugh, not a nice day, today was more chill, had a couple horses to take out and then we could just spend time cleaning the stable.
Also my boss is very much a dad sometimes, okay maybe I just read it this way because my own dad has been the way he's been but today I texted my boss because he's at show, asking when he'd be back and if he needed help and also telling him that I was going with some of the others at 5 to a stallion show, he first responds with no it's fine, don't need help. Then he adds, have fun and be careful TvT it just felt like a very dad response.
On another note, Danish dude called me a good boy today?? Like he asked he something and I responded and then he just said good boy and left?? I forgot how to act for a second
But anyway, glad you're doing good! What stuff are you working on?
Is Sand still alive?? 0.o haven't heard from them in awhile now..

Oh my god thats the worst- I worked at a barn that had over a hundred horses (which never fucking paid me) and some of the guys would sometimes just leave early so me and this other girl had to turn horses out and it was horrible- but to have to hold off doing that to ride two new horses? i would have just died of stress awww glad he is a nice dad figure! :D pfft- someone was embarrassed~ stuff for a podcast I gotta do for school as well as studying for major tests and shit. nothing fun sadly. yeah I was thinking that too... I saw he updated her profile but I havent seen him on in ages so I hope she's alright

They didn't even pay you?? But yeah, it's horrible... Oh I almost did... I never feed that fast in my life, just threw the hay in the boxes pretty much
It was very sweet, he does small stuff like that sometimes, it's so sweet TvT
Oh.. Yeah, doesn't sound fun... :/
Just sent them a PM so hopefully they are okay

Oh my goodness, hello guys- I am so sorry I haven't responded in so long, I've been dead for the past 2 months. Christmas came around and I got a new video game (Baldur's Gate 3), and I got so distracted that I haven't roleplayed or written just about anything in so long. I'm glad I looked at my mail and saw your message Roaw, because I have not been keeping track of anything- - Glad to see you both alive and relatively well though!

pfft yeah that would be great thats so wholesome man I am glad you have someone like that in your life Ha never. yayyyyy! Sandy youre alive!!! :D Baldur's Gate 3 looks so fun so I cant blame you for being gone. I'm so so glad youre okay though!!

This weekend continued with Danish guy being crazy... Apart from doing things that make embarrassed constantly, he was washing his car and called me to come out and keep him company, he then realized that there was no hose where there should be a hose, we have a designated spot for car/tractor/lorry washing, and since his car is quite small, he decided that he could just drive it in to the stable to wash it off, and he did xD
Ohh my tiktok has been filled with Baldur's gate 3 content, specifically Astarion, and I want it so bad, it seems like so much fun! Glad to hear from you now though and see that you're doing okay!

Oh lord, was he even allowed to do that? XD Sounds like Danish Guy gets into a lot of questionable situations - Lmaoo, Astarion tiktoks popping up on my page is how I found out Baldur's Gate 3 was a thing I eventually gave in and bought it, even though I had just gotten Elden Ring (which I still need to play), but I have absolutely no regrets, 10/10 game, very good story and well-written characters. Most diverse character creation system I've seen yet too. Got so emotionally invested in the story and characters that I cried happy tears during the epilogue (only RDR2 has ever gotten me this emotional, that told me all I needed to know about my feelings on the game XD) I would definitely recommend it to anyone who likes long, story-driven choice games

At least once everytime I go somewhere with him, he will do some shit that seems very much not allowed followed by, "I don't think we're allowed to do this but come we do it anyway." I wish I was exaggerating but I'm honestly not xD No one saw it and I think the only one that would really car might be chef if in a bad mood or one of the top riders in the dressage stable but we were sneaky. Dude also forgot to roll his window up so he started rinsing the car off before realizing, even got that moment on video, it's funny as hell
Man... I really need to get it now, but I'm poor, I can't afford such luxuries TvT Life is not fair, I just want to make a pretty character and romance Astarion, is that too much to ask for? Edited at March 5, 2024 11:32 PM by Roaw