
That would be so funny 😭 Iris would uproot the whole flower bush to put next to Van's grave. So the flowers grow on forever. XD

Double pairing it is then. XD
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op Ciliren has been paired with Aoibheann. Ouo (presuming she gets accepted) [ignore me if she is not]

she is, im just lazy honestly.
Lol Double H over here not touching Mal with a ten foot pole has me dead.

I think Van would go with the ten foot pole method and still get eaten, so good plan there HH

How about no pole at all. Just stay away from Mal 😭

XD I'm mainly doing that since Moose is looking ta pair with her and we have Ashnah and her as friends. Imperial Sands said: she is, im just lazy honestly.
Lol Double H over here not touching Mal with a ten foot pole has me dead.
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Im sure deep down Mal will care about Van. Maybe deep, deep deeep, deeeeeeeeeeeeeeep down. Like at the bottom of her stomach. Maybe? Moose said: I think Van would go with the ten foot pole method and still get eaten, so good plan there HH

Matunda said: That would be so funny 😭 Iris would uproot the whole flower bush to put next to Van's grave. So the flowers grow on forever. XD
I feel like combat and gardening is the only things they're actually good at (or Van anyway) When they retire (if they even live that long) they should open a floral business

This is genuinely the fear I want Mal to inspire it makes me so happy XD Matunda said: How about no pole at all. Just stay away from Mal 😭