
How do you breed wolves? I don't think the tutorial explained that, or i don't remember.

I figured out how to bred, but how do i get puppies?

Only your alphas can breed within the pack. To do that go onto one of their pages, scroll down to 'manage your wolf' and click breed. It should say breed to '___' which will be your other alpha.
Your other wolves can only be bred to other packs wolves. To do so follow the same as above but when you click on breed it'll ask you how much you want to put them up for and this is what the other pack will pay to breed to your wolf. Pups always go to the females pack
Pregnancy lasts 80-96 hours + 2-5 hours of labour, your puppies will arrive around that time ^^ Edited at May 5, 2017 06:15 AM by DuckGoesRawr

I finally bred my wolves! Thanks for the info Ducky!

hi how i get non alpha males and females

Forum Moderator Darkseeker
To breed your other wolves, go to the trading post and select male or female, then click the tab 'breeding'. Fill in the rest of the form depending on what you're looking for, then click search. You'll then see a list of males or females up for breeding.
To put your own wolves up for breeding, go to their pages and click "manage your wolf" then "breed". You can set up a breeding fee.
Please note that if you breed your male to someone else's female, they will get the pups. I suggest only breeding your females to other user's males for now so you can build your pack and get the pups.
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Why cant I breed my alpha female to someone else alpha male?

Game Moderator Neutral
Full Moon Eclipse said: Why cant I breed my alpha female to someone else alpha male?
Because alphas can only breed to the other alpha in their own pack. If you want to breed her to someone else's wolf, that's not an alpha, you'll have to temporarily make another wolf of yours alpha female
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Destinations End said:
Full Moon Eclipse said: Why cant I breed my alpha female to someone else alpha male?
Because alphas can only breed to the other alpha in their own pack. If you want to breed her to someone else's wolf, that's not an alpha, you'll have to temporarily make another wolf of yours alpha female
Oh ok Thank you

Broken Eclipse said:
Destinations End said:
Full Moon Eclipse said: Why cant I breed my alpha female to someone else alpha male?
Because alphas can only breed to the other alpha in their own pack. If you want to breed her to someone else's wolf, that's not an alpha, you'll have to temporarily make another wolf of yours alpha female
Oh ok Thank you mine won't work