
Name: Icicle Age: 6 Gender: Female Animal: Artic Fox Appearance: Pure white artic fox, with light grey paws. Has ice blue eyes and silver tips on his ears and silver tip of tail. Has a small nick in one ear. Has a silver patch right under her neck. Is smaller than regular artic foxes but twice as fast. Has nimble legs and can blend into anything white in the winter. When summer comes, her pelt turns a dirty brown where she can blend into the dirt. Her paws turn slightly browner than the rest of her as does the patch on her throat. Personality: Do not mess with me: She can be as ferocious as a bear if she wants to be, even with her small size. If you are in fact a grizzly, don't try to use your size against her as she will draw blood first and you will not get a hit on her. If you are a wolf, be careful and agile to dodge her attacks. Slyness: She can be very sly and lure you into traps and hunter traps too. Untrustworthy: Both ways. Do not trust her or you will find yourself either dead or in a life and death situation. She also doesn't trust anyone. Intelligent: She can be extremely intelligent and usually gathers info on her opponents before actually engaging battle on them unless of course, they attack first. Stealthy: She can track anything and can be very quiet while doing. Sometimes however, she will trip and fall in a puddle. Strengths: Stealth-Can sneak up on pretty much everything. Battle- Ferocious fighter and excels at it. Tracking- Can track the oldest scents in snow, but not in rain. Agility-Relies on agility and speed more than strength and size. Climbing-Mostly for fun, she can climb and jump from tree to tree(only if branches are close together) Weaknesses: Water-Hates it passionately and can not swim Pups-Love pups dearly and wouldn't dare hurt them Other foxes-Will try not to fight other foxes as that is her only social life Size-Those bigger and as agile as her, she can also forget that she isn't as big as the wolves. When she fluffs up her fur, it can make her look bigger but also like a pompom Strength-As she relies on her agility, speed and intelligence to win, she doesn't have the most strength if she is pinned. She can twist out of it but not when she is on her back. Other: Me go bananas ;) Also, I saw that we needed Artic Foxes so I thought I could help out =3 Edited at October 1, 2021 09:17 PM by Fangsoffire
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Name: Sal (short for Salmon) Age: 5 human years Gender: Male (I'm seeing a lot of females so xD) Animal: Bear Appearance: A very large brown bear with scars all over. His eyes are a deep brown and he has black running up his muzzle which fades away soon after reaching his eyes. Personality: He is generally a very distructive bear, breaking everything in his path. You don't want to make him mad though as he will attack. Strengths: Fighting and anything related to it. Weaknesses: Patience and running, he is slow for his size and rather the speed of an average bear. Other: Same Banana facts as before :'D

((I hope adding another character is okay))

Name: Aries Age: 5 Gender: Male Appearance: Personality: Family: N/A Mate: N/A Children: N/A Rank: Scout Desired Rank: Anything higher:P Strenths: Weaknesses: Other: I am seeing hella females so I thought I'd throw in a male as well.

Edited at February 23, 2021 07:10 PM by Frank's Wolf Pack


General Attributes. ❉ Name: Amethyst
❉ Age: 26
❉ Species:Timber wolf
❉ Rank:warrior/hunter (doesnt really matter)
❉ Homeland: unknown
❉ Backstory: Amethyst was born to Arnulfo and Bernulf, Amethyst has been through many rough and horrible events in her life. She isn't an only child; she has to brother’s Topaz, and Amaruq.
❉ Personality: Unlike her brother Topaz Amethyst is very noisy and she argues and shuts down if someone disagrees with her if a wolf doesn't listen to her she storms off and doesn't eat or drink for the rest of the day. She always thinks She is in charge and tries to boss everyone around. She has a short temper and isn't very kind unless your her parents or siblings
❉ Sexuality: straight
❉ Biological Gender: female
❉ Mate:(in the future) Sandstorm
❉ Preferred Pronouns: her/she
❉ Mental Illnesses (Optional): none
❉ Physical Diseases and/or Illnesses
Amethyst: meaning English name derived from the name of the precious stone, from Greek amethystos, meaning "not intoxicated; sober," expressing the ancient belief that the stone had the ability to protect one from drunkenness. This name is sometimes given to girls born in February
Topaz: meaning A very bright and clear gem Amaruq: meaning Native American origin and means "Grey Wolf"
weakness:kindness, pups, her to brother's, ect
strength: being mean, howling at the moon, being feared,ect
other: I like apples credits for the image goes to: https://www.deviantart.com/youreveli
Edited at March 5, 2021 07:37 AM by ~The ultima pack~

General Attributes.
❉ Name: Topaz
❉ Age: 27 `
❉ Species:Timber wolf
❉ Rank:Beta male
❉ Homeland: unknown
❉ Backstory: Topaz was born to Arnulfo and Bernulf, Topazhas been through many rough and horrible events in his life. He isn't an only child he has a brother and a sister. His brother’s name is Amaruq, and his sister’s name is Amethyst.
❉ Personality: Topaz is a mostly quiet timber wolf. He listens to his pack mates and other wolves and give them suggestions that might help their problems to stop the bickering and arguments he is very reasonable. He will stand up and take charge if there needs good leading. He tries not to be aggressive but it's part of his nature and he will kill and attack when you piss him off.
❉ Sexuality: straight
❉ Biological Gender: Male
❉ Mate:(in furture) Delta
❉ Preferred Pronouns: him/his/he
❉ Mental Illnesses (Optional): none
❉ Physical Diseases and/or Illnesses
Topaz: meaning A very bright and clear gem Amaruq: meaning Native American origin and means "Grey Wolf".
Amethyst: meaning English name derived from the name of the precious stone, from Greek amethystos, meaning "not intoxicated; sober," expressing the ancient belief that the stone had the ability to protect one from drunkenness. This name is sometimes given to girls born in February.
weakness: having to fight , being in the wild , being without his pack,ect
strength:being around his pack and loved ones , pups , loyal ,ect
other:i dont like bannana's but i like bannana oatmeal ;-; credits for image goes to: https://www.deviantart.com/bluesgrass 
Edited at March 5, 2021 07:52 AM by ~The ultima pack~

Amathist and Topaz are accepted!